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Skyrim SE female faces


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I've been trying to make a female character with a beautiful face like those I see on follower mods like this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2728/?

Specifically Cara.

I'm terrible at the skyrim face customization and I've tried my best to replicate things but to no avail.


How do I get such faces on my player character? I can't find much searching on the internet. Are there some pre-setted faces as save files?

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I've been trying to make a female character with a beautiful face like those I see on follower mods like this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2728/?

Specifically Cara.


I'm terrible at the skyrim face customization and I've tried my best to replicate things but to no avail.


How do I get such faces on my player character? I can't find much searching on the internet. Are there some pre-setted faces as save files?



The mod author of that mod listed the mods he used. They are shown in the "credits" section of that mods main page on the nexus.

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