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Can't find the final fantasy lightning hair mod


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I found a video on youtube with links to download. When you click on the nexus link for the hair it says it's under moderation, and it's for that reason I hesitate to post the link here since I don't know why it's under moderation. <link removed>
There is link to download the hair from a different website in the vid's description.

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I found a video on youtube with links to download. When you click on the nexus link for the hair it says it's under moderation, and it's for that reason I hesitate to post the link here since I don't know why it's under moderation. *snip*

There is link to download the hair from a different website in the vid's description.


It was a rip, contains illegal assets, and technically shouldn't even be linked here since it promotes an illegal activity. ;)

Edited by Sunnie
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Illegal assets / a rip? im not sure what you mean. It was a fake or ripoff? There have been mods like this for many other final fantasy characters in the past. whats so different about this one this time. Whats with all the fuss all of a sudden.


It was ported from FF13, IIRC. That's illegal and a no-no here. :thumbsup:

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