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Changing clothes takes time


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Another mod idea to add some realism and decision making to the game.


This is how the mod would function, more or less:



When you open the pip-boy, the mod looks at what outfit you are wearing when you open it.

When you close the pip-boy, the mod looks at what outfit you are wearing when you close it.


if the outfit is the same in both cases, nothing happens.

if the outfit is different then,


you holster your weapon, if you have it out.

the "showering" idle animation* immidietly begins to play.


after a number of seconds (determined by either the weight of the outfit, or it's type**) your current outfit is taken off and dropped on the ground


then, for a number of seconds (determined by the weight or type of the new outfit^*) you stand there in your underwear (or whatever body replacer you have), with the shower animation continuing.


at the end of that, you put on the new outfit, and the animation stops.



This sequence would also take place if you changed armor using a hotkey.

This would not occur when simply changing helmets or glasses.

This sequence of events could be interrupted at any point in time by moving or drawing a weapon; if you interupt it, you are left wearing whatever you had on at the time that you interrupted ( either the starting outfit, or nothing; you have to let the whole process play out to get the ending outfit )

If during the process you open your pip boy, you will have equipped whatever you had equipped at that point in the process; selecting a new outfit effectively starts the process over at the start.


* - the showering animation is one I have seen a couple of times in use by different mods, so I assume it is one of the vanilla animations. It's a pretty good visual for changing clothes I think.


** - the amount of time it takes to take off or put on an outfit should be different. Pulling on a dress takes a lot less time than putting on a suit of power armor. If Fallout recognizes outfits by catagory (i.e. clothes, combat armor, power armor) then that would probably be the best way to do that; if fallout doesn't recognizes outfits in this way then you would probably have to go outfit-by-outfit to determine the time, which seems like a lot of work and wouldn't be cross-mod compatible. In that case, the time could be based on the outfit's weight; the only problem with that approach is with mods that change the weight of outfits by a drastic amount, though there aren't really too many of those.

I imagine an average of 3-4 seconds for clothes, 6-8 seconds for combat armor, and 12-14 seconds for power armor would be reasonable. If you start out not wearing any outfit, then the taking off part would take 0 seconds.

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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well , i think that power armor case you would need to be near a work bench in a settlement (megaton ,tenpeny,rivet city) to disassemble the armor.



you have good ideas ,why not learn to script.


...because I'm lazy and stupid :huh:


everyone are lazy...its painful learn the geck script but ... i'm doing a force shield mod because i dont find one that work as i expect : a perfect barrier that protect you until it falls , there are some mods around buy they usually only rise your DR... i want a total bypass of the DR system... why ? because hurt my yes see someone survive a gun shot without armor or a force shield like halo.

my idea is is if are not wearing a full helmet or using a force shield then a head shot is a deadly shot.

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