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Craftable radio's or new radio's (NO STATIONS)


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I was hoping to find a mod for craftable radio's or just new radio's like maybe the table that looks like a tape player to be a radio cause ive got like over 200+ mods loaded and it removed the radio section and getting its a pain in the *** to get it back i know there is a way of disabling all the mods and verify cache but it ended up not helping so i hope it will be possible to add a mod for people like me who lost the opion to craft radio's since i do love building homes and a home is not complete without a radio.


thank you for any reply to this!

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using also 225 plugins atm, but no issues so far.

As damanding said it is difficult to figure your problem out of this fuzzy description.

I would say this is a loadorder issue or 2 mods touch the same categorie.

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using also 225 plugins atm, but no issues so far.

As damanding said it is difficult to figure your problem out of this fuzzy description.

I would say this is a loadorder issue or 2 mods touch the same categorie.

no ive checked it i know its a mod probably that removed it there is a mod out there that helps you bring back lost items in the crafting system but only the radio's wont come back but i dont want a mod that adds random songs or stuff like that i once had a mod that had different kind of radio's where different objects were set as radio's but i don't see it anymore idk if it was removed or if it was included in another mod that i am unaware of but i have not hit my max plugins


i have 237 active mods currently so figuring out wich one causes it or if it will even be able to bring back the radio is my guess. therefor i was hoping if there was a standalone mod just for craftable radio's

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This mod has radios in it. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15016 However if you're having trouble you might have possibly hit the plugin limit (255 or 256). I couldn't really tell from your description what your problem is.

thanks! installed and i am now able to craft the radio's that are in the mod now i hope i need to find 2 more mods and im complete. ( a mod that lets you change to any radio station. cause i have the fusion city mod and i wish i could tune a radio to that radio channel) and (more paintings cause i already have the mod that lets you craft the ingame paintings but i want to be able to craft a lot of variety of portraits id add them myself but i dont know how since i know nothing of modding

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