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Morphing Skinny/big Meshes with Blender tutorial


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Greetings, i've been searching around for abit, im currently searching for a tutorial for morphing a mesh from skinny to big (i.e examplearmor_0 to examplearmor_1) and visaversa.

I have found tutorials for 3ds max, but not for blender, so im wondering if anyone know of one? I tried to figure this out myself, but im doing something wrong, so i need to have a tutorial than can explain the steps taken so i have a reference and some help to go after.

Right now i have tons of skinny meshes that needs to be converted, laugh all you want, but i tried to make a new model from the big model and try to recreate the skinny as much as i could, but the game did not like that, the mesh goes fubar if i move the slider to the middle for example, so i need to do this the real way.


Thanks in advance! :)


This one should be closed, opened a new post in the right section of the forum, if you want to answer my post please do it here:



Edited by Sk8on
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