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Can't deal damage at all...


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Hello, so I'm here with a new problem, and not sure what causes it or how to fix it... I havent been able to deal any damage at all. I'll get killcams (or whatever they are called), but it glitches and enemies don't even get touched. My allies deal all of the damage. I do have a lot of mods, so I'm not labelling all of them. I'll share the last few I installed:


Apocolypse spells

Better Vampires

Royal Bloodline (with patch for better vampires)

Shadowspell package

Faster Skill Leveling 2017


Those are the last mods I have installed.


What other mods could cause this issue, or is this a skyrim itself issue? I'm not sure what else to add to show the issue, but it is getting annoying.... not only that but I do randomly crash to desktop when I enter various areas of skyrim... but that's probably another mod I have.

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It could be that something is corrupt, or it could be a load order issue. We won't know unless you show us your whole Load order.


If you are using LOOT, click on the 3 dots in the upper right, and inside, there is Copy Load Order. Click that and paste it here.

If you don't feel like doing so, the best solution I can offer atm is to perform a clean install: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/

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I did decide to restart completely....as much of a pain in the butt that that is.... it's probably better that way. This can be good, I can now try an ENB. I know I used Climates of Tamriel, and a lot of ENB that have seen haven't been compatible with it... but I've been curious about them. Restarting my character is going to be a pain, as I really liked the appearance :/

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