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A mod for the follower will never get tired of waiting.


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I have had problems that the followers get tired of waiting when I leave them in a way to relax, simply get tired and leave. I've tried some mods like (My Home is Your Home) and it works on some but not all. I think it would be very useful a mod that would disable this possibility of being able to wait.

Thank you and sorry for my English.

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I would try something lightweight like this first: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9504/?

MOD successfully installed. But the option does not appear: (... just relax for a while) just to collect when I'm away from home. I use the MOD Extensible Follower Framework which brings the option of relaxing but unfortunately continues to work in the same way, after some time the followers get tired of waiting and return to their places of origin.

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