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Beginner Nifskope property hierarchy help needed


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I am new to using Nifskope and I can't for the life of me find what I'm looking for since I don't know all the terms and properties yet. I just want to get started, but I'm getting frustrated!


I can't figure out how to get new properties in the right place in the hierarchy. I've seen half a dozen tutorials saying that it's as simple as right click -> node -> attach property but it always places it outside of the hierarchy and I don't know how to get them inside. I feel so stupid for asking this, but I don't know where else to turn!



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depends on what kind of property you want to assign, but usually you assign properties by going into the Trishape, scroll down to the bottom and unfold the properties node in the "block details" window if you don't have it press "F3" that is the window im talking about, put the number of the node you want to attatch there.

That is what you do to shaders and alpha channels, but if you are going to attatch BSDismemberskinproperty or NiTriShapeData you need to attatch them to the right ones

BSdismember goes into <NiSkinInstance> and the NITriShapeData goes into <NiGeometryData>, but usually that should already be taken care of. but if you got models exported from blender/3ds max you need to add the shaders and alpha if you have made alpha textures.

Im not sure what kind of property you are trying to add, so do not know if this helps. Please elaborate if this did not help you.


example i just exported a model from blender and loads it up in nifskope.

I want to attatch the BSLightingShaderProperty because i have to do this in order for my mesh to work.

So i copy the BSlightingShaderProperty from a vanilla mesh and pastes the branch into the node, but wait, it's outside of the node and not attatched properly, thats when you go down into the properties in NiTriShape.

Say my number on the BSlightingShaderProperty was assigned the number 29, i have to write 29 in one of the properties and suddenly my shader is now part of NiTriShape as a child like it should.


Like i said it depends on what you are trying to attatch.

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For now, Node>Attach Property won't work for Skyrim's shader properties. You will need to do this instead:

rClick> Block> Insert> BS > BSLightingShaderProperty (or BSEffectShaderProperty)

Click on the TriShape you want this attached to, expand "Properties" at the bottom, and enter the block number of the new property in the first slot.


edit: been sitting idle in this tab, sorry for the late reply.

Edited by throttlekitty
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Correct. The first property should always be a shader type, and the second is for an AlphProperty, if applicable.

edit: the shader properties combine the useful functions of previous property types, such as z-buffer or double-sided rendering, etc.

Edited by throttlekitty
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