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Zion Tribal underwear as the default for all NPCs in Mojave


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What I'm asking should be very easily doable & realistic window for a modder to accomplish, taking relatively very little time to make for a mod.


The fiends for example dress half naked, in their raider attire, and it's weird that somehow a gray t-shirt & underpants spawn on a corpse whether this gear is taken. It's shatters my disbelief & immersion towards the game. I'm also supposed to believe that every waster in the Mojave gets their hands on matching grey shirt & underpants as their underwear? But the brown underwear the zion tribes use really looks like the sort of underwear that could be made post-war, whereas the vanilla underwear in mojave looks mass produced pre-war & I can't believe that everyone could own one in a wasteland.


So please, somebody. Take the time off your life to do this. It enhances the Fallout experience. Do it for New Vegas!!

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