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Left handed character


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Alrigth, it maybe sound pointless for many peoples but, aving the possibility to ave a one handed weapon in my left hand and bloking whit it and be able to do the same whit my right hand, make me enjoy my characther as a left handed person myself.


the attacks and stance animation could stay the same, just had the possibility to block whitout a shield by pressing the rigth attack button.


Thanks to the comprensive modder who accept to bring realism and immersion to my game.

Edited by onclebem
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I think that all the game need, its the possibility to hold a 1handed weapon in the left hand alone (keep the vanilla animation of the left hand) and the position of th rigth hand as it hold a weapon but whitout (obviously)


The only animation that must be create, is the bloking one (I propose a simple rotation of the left hand, so that the weapon is cross side)


2 handed weapon stay rigth handed (too much effort indeed to change)


No shield in rigth hand, same problem i guess.


But still make a small difference for lefty peoples as myself and others.


I believe that a modder could make this possible.


I know it seems to be a simple estetic request but it make a huge effect on how we connect whit the character.

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