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upgradeable enchantments?


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As it currently stands, disenchanting something gives you that enchantment, but it is always less powerful than the original, and you are stuck with that level of enchantment for the rest of forever on that character(i.e. you disenchant a sword that dealt 10 points of fire damage, giving you an enchantment with base damage of 5, and you are stuck with it). I am requesting a mod that will allow you to replace these enchantments with more powerful ones (i.e. another sword deals 25 points of fire damage, you can disenchant this to get an enchantment with base damage of 20, and your enchantment skill will work with 20 instead of 5).
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As it currently stands, disenchanting something gives you that enchantment, but it is always less powerful than the original, and you are stuck with that level of enchantment for the rest of forever on that character(i.e. you disenchant a sword that dealt 10 points of fire damage, giving you an enchantment with base damage of 5, and you are stuck with it). I am requesting a mod that will allow you to replace these enchantments with more powerful ones (i.e. another sword deals 25 points of fire damage, you can disenchant this to get an enchantment with base damage of 20, and your enchantment skill will work with 20 instead of 5).

I think I understand your idea... but... am I missing something here? I thought that the vanilla Skyrim (I have a LOT of mods, so forgive me if one of mine changed my experience with this) simply allows you to make better enchantments as you:


A) Level up

B) Improve the enchantment tree / constellation thingy

C) Utilize "increase enchantment" potions


I could be wrong, but I've only disenchanted one of each type of thing I needed... and my enchantments get stronger as I level, and of course now I have the enchantment tree pretty well filled out...


So again... maybe I messed up. :)


Still... your idea is a good one!! It would indeed be nice if you could essentially "stack" your discoveries or the wrecking of very high level items in order to produce your own, better enchantments.


As it is... the very best item I've found so far was some ring that increases mana regen by 80%. Nothing else has come close--the best are usually around 50%... and I'm level 75, lol

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Enchantments are already way overpowered and gain in strength as you progress up the skill tree. A fire enchant taken from a crappy sword with 10 fire damage can be used to make one later on that does like 50 fire damage with a grand soul and a full enchantment tree. I think you haven't played the game enough to see how it works yet.


EDIT: Unless i am misreading your post, and you are talking about replacing an already enchanted item with a new enchant, that may be cool. However the system where you just craft a new piece and place a new enchant seems more realistic to me.

Edited by thedemoninside
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