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Idea for a series of dwemer armor quests


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So I was thinking about trying to get some mods, but since I've got no experience in modding I thought I'd just drop off some of my ideas for you guys in case anyone of you felt that it would be a cool/interesteng thing to implement. I will have a go at it, but the outcome will be most certainly crappy until I get the hang of modding.

I'll bring up some ideas and then see what you guys think, is it worth the trouble and would it be appreciated for more people than just me?


Idea 1

My first idea is probably getting a mod to turn Alduin into Nicol Bolas, old MTG-players might know him, but those of you who don't know he's the equivalent of Alduin in the card game Magic the Gathering. Besides, Nicol looks much cooler. Here's a picture of him:



Idea 2

This idea might be a bit overambitious, but it would be a really cool implementation. Ever since I started playing the elder scrolls I've been fascinated by the dwemers. I really liked the idea of a super advanced race who mysteriously vanished a long time ago and left everything else in their society intact. The whole mystique around their race is what's so cool about them, they just vanished into thin air, and only their mighty ruins and automatons are left to testament to their existance. (This might be because I'm an old fan of the Alien movies and Halo games). Anyway, besides my rambling, I felt that the dwemer armor was way underpowered. Come on, they was the apex of civilisation and technology, yet their armor was overshadowed by armors such as full plated steel armors or orcish armor? At least in my mind, the dwemer armor should have been a lot stronger. Would a group of barbaric orcs be better at constructing armors than the dwemers?


So my idea would be to implement a series of quests, in which one get the opportunity to find a full set dwemer armor. Each armor piece would then be appointed to a separate quest. Like for example, each separate armor piece would be found deep down in separate dwemer ruins. And when chest, helmet, gauntlets and boots where all collected they would then return to their former strength and reveal some unique effects.

One of the effects I've been thinking about would be "steam powered" in which when the full armor is worn it would emit steam, damaging nearby enemies by 10 points of damage or something (similar to the Ebony Mail). And instead of using dwarven metal ingots to upgrade one would use dwemer gyros. The strength of the armor should be somewhere between ebony and daedric. So here are the armor effects I can think of:

Chest piece: "steam powered" - emits steam, damaging close opponents for 10 points of health per second (might be too strong?)

Boots: "Hydraulic strength" - increases stamina by 30 points and carrying capacity by 30 points

Gauntlets: "artificiers strength" - 25% dmg increase to archery, 2-handed and 1-handed attacks

Helmet: "Automatons skin" - increases resistance to frost, fire, shock, disease and poison by 20%


The quest could be activated by reading one of the dwemer books. Also, maybe it should only be enabled for players above a certain level, like for instance 15 or 20.


As I said, I have no experience in modding, but I will try to make this as soon as I get the time. Also, I heard that a modding program will be released soon for convenience.


So what do you guys think about the ideas, are they worth the trouble and do some of you perhaps have any tips? Would also be fun to have som kind of feedback.

I will try to post as many ideas of mods as I can here, and hopefully some will be at least realistic to implement, either by me or by someone who's got better skills at modding.


P.S. Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm not from an English speaking country.


Also, on a second thought, it might be easier if they where just placed deepest down in separate dwemer ruins in chests with master level locks and guarded by a Dwemer Automaton.

For the chest piece the easiest way to make it would perhaps be to reskin the "ebony mail"?

The others should be easy (I hope), like reskinning ebony gauntlets, boots and helmet to dwemer armor.

The armor pieces enchantments should be easy to implement (I hope), although I'm not sure if mods will allow the helmet to be enchanted past 2 enchantments.

Again, It might just be easier to just reskinning a copy of the dragons priest mask from Otar


The hard part would then be to add the steam effect to the chest piece, and remove the gaseous effect of the ebony mail.


Also, it might perhaps be easier if one uses dwemer ingots to improve the armor, but it would require level 80 in smithing to improve it twice.

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So I'm confused so (Most likely more on my part then yours) but do you mean the seperate pieces of one set of armour? Or five sets of armour?


and also will this happen with every armour set in that mod? As in every Dwemer armour set found in the game will suddenly become ultra powerful?


Actually, this is Dwemer power armour your talking about.


Oh then I'm all for it! :thumbsup:

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  On 1/16/2012 at 8:20 AM, huntsman2310 said:

So I'm confused so (Most likely more on my part then yours) but do you mean the seperate pieces of one set of armour? Or five sets of armour?


and also will this happen with every armour set in that mod? As in every Dwemer armour set found in the game will suddenly become ultra powerful?


Actually, this is Dwemer power armour your talking about.


Oh then I'm all for it! :thumbsup:


Yeah, sorry for being unclear.

What I meant was that each separate piece of the armor would be distributed in separate dwemer ruins. For example, the helmet would be found in blackreach, while the chest piece would be found in mzulft and so on.


Also, I meant that only this set of armor would be stronger, not every dwemer armor. So what I mean is that this would be considered unique quest items, if they where sold they would then be lost. Also, it would be called Dwemer Armor instead of Dwarven Armor (since I guess the dwemers called themselves Dwemer and not Dwarves).


Happy to hear that you like the idea. The dwemer related quests were my favourites and I did feel that there were way too few of them.

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So here are some suggestions to the quest, I will try to improve and feel free to come with tips and ideas to make the quest even more fun and challenging.


So here's the idea I've come up with so far:


Stage 1

Reading the book "Dwemer Inquiries Vol I" (can be found in College of Winterhold) will initiate the quest.

The quest description will be something like "Retrieve the full set of Dwemer Armor"


Stage 2

Locate the Dwemer Gauntlets in Nchuand-Zel. They should be located deepest down in an expert level locked chest, guarded by two Dwemer Spheres.


Stage 3

Locate the Dwemer Boots in Avanchnzel. Again located deep down inside the ruins in a master level locked chest, guarded by two Dwemer Spheres.


Stage 4

Locate the Dwemer Chest Piece in Irkngthand. Again located somewhere deep down, but this time placed in an expert level locked chest, guarded by a centurion


Stage 5

Locate the Dwemer Helmet in Blackreach. This one should perhaps be placed somewhere inside the fallen city (the one with the light globe). The helmet will be placed in a master level locked chest, guarded by one (or maybe two) centurion/s.


*Note* This set of armor will be named Dwemer armor, instead of Dwarven Armor and will confer the same armor stats as Ebony armor.


Also, I'm still in progress of trying to think how to solve the armor part as easy as possible. Would it be the easiest way to reskin a set of enchanted ebony armor to look like Dwarven armor and then just rename it?


Here are the powers that I feel would be best fitting to the armor set, but feel free to add ideas. Note the powers should at least have something to do with Dwemer Armor being powered by steam and arcane technology:


Dwemer Gauntlets of Automatons Strength: Confers a 20% damage increase to 1-handed, 2-handed and archery.

Dwemer Boots of Hydraulic Endurance: Increases Stamina and Carrying Capacity by 40 (Might be too strong?)

Dwemer Armor of Steam Power: Emits steam, damaging close opponents for 8 damage per second and raises carrying capacity by 20

Dwemer Helmet of Elemental Defence: increases resistance to frost, fire, poison and magic by 15%


Again, this might not be easy to implement. So I've also been thinking if it would be possible to then use a reskinned copy of the ebony mail, only that it would emit steam instead of blurry black smoke. The helmet might then be easier if it's a reskinned copy of the Otar mask.

Also, I don't know anything of modding so I don't actually know if it's possible to go past 2 enchantments on items. If it's not possible then I will have to revert to using reskinned dual enchanted ebony boots and gauntlets.


I've seen a mod on youtube which enabled the player to use steam as a ranged magic missile (much like the one the Dwemer Centurion use). So Perhaps it will be possible to add the 'steamy' effects to the chest piece.

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Coming to think of it, perhaps another sidequest should be centered around aquiring dwemer weapons?

I guess this one should be a bit more challenging, and upon finishing the quest the player will be left with the choice of chosing one weapon.

For instance, the player gets the choice to pick one of the following:

Dwemer dagger

Dwemer 2-handed sword

Dwemer 2-handed axe



Also, perhaps adding a quest for the shield. But the main target will be to learn the basics of modding so I can create the first quest. Once I get the hang of it I will try to produce a series of quests related to the Dwemer ruins.

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Well when the CK comes out of course, adding these effects will be easier, since you'll be able to make them yourself.


As for the weapons, maybe they could have unique textures, like nothing very different just changing the saturation or just the hue even.

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  On 1/17/2012 at 6:37 AM, huntsman2310 said:

Well when the CK comes out of course, adding these effects will be easier, since you'll be able to make them yourself.


As for the weapons, maybe they could have unique textures, like nothing very different just changing the saturation or just the hue even.


Yes, I was thinking about that. I really hope that the modding tool about to be released will be intuitive and easy to use.


Most certainly would I have a go at trying to make the armor stand out a little bit from the usual Dwarwen armor. I've been thinking about if it would be possible to change the coloring to that of the brass doors of the ruins. It would look really cool in my opinion.


Got any good ideas for the armors look?

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  • 1 month later...

So the modding tools are out, all I need now is to buy the pc version.


From what I understand, the implementations are almost limitless so I will be able to proceed with my idea.


Here are an updated idea of the armor:

Dwemer Gauntlets of Automatons Strength: Confers a 20% damage increase to 1-handed, 2-handed and archery.

Dwemer Boots of Hydraulic Endurance: Increases Stamina and Carrying Capacity by 35

Dwemer Armor of Steam Power: Emits steam, damaging close opponents for 8 damage per second

Dwemer Helmet of Elemental Defence: increases resistance to shock, disease and magic by 20%


So my idea is that this armor should give the feeling of actually being a Dwemer powerarmor, rather than just an ordinary armor. After all, according to the background story all the armors are remnants of automatons.

With the modding tools I will be able to add a few extra cool ideas to the armor.


First idea is to use a smaller sized centurion helmet as helmet, this will make the armor feel a bit more unique, and also it will look really cool.


The can perhaps look like this also: http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/a/a9/Dwemer_mask.jpg


Second thing that might be cool to add would be a "Large Decorative Dwemer Strut" running from the helmet along the back (like the centurions)



Another idea is the possibility to upgrade the armor through blacksmithing by using centurion dynamo cores (would require lvl 60 or higher in blacksmithing)

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Anyone who reads this thread is more than welcome to join up, the more the merrier.


Also, coming to think of it, quests for weapons would be cool as well, and these dwarven weapons would also have some sort of steam-effect (dealing some damage over time) and be equivalent to ebony in damage.

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