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Request/Idea: Any Weapon into Bound Weapon


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Hey folks,


I have an idea for a mod to make any weapon into a bound version, summonable through a spell.


You would start by depositing your weapon via spell, maybe into a plane of Oblivion.

Then, you woukd get a spell to summon it from there for a certain amount of time or until sheathed, like the normal bound weapons.


That is the basic idea that I have.



Some more thoughts on storing the weapons:

- by using the spell, a container opens, where you can put your weapon

- maybe (if possible) only allow weapons in there, and only one item or check after closing that these conditions are fulfilled, otherwise reopen to remedy that

- containers could be named after the Planes of Oblivion of the princes

- unlock new Planes by doing the Daedric quests or otherwise coming into contact with the planes


Special plane unlocks: (other than respective daedric quest)

- Coldharbor: becoming a vampire lord

- Apocrypha: go there via Black Book

- Deadlands: Conjuration Master Quest

- Soul Cairn: go there in Dawnguard

- Hunting Grounds: become a Werewolf



If someone would help me to get started on this, or see it through, I would be very grateful.


Thank you for reaading this




P.S.: I am sorry for any mistakes I made, English is not my native language!



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