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More Map Markers


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Like what the description says, i want a mod that adds a LOT more map markers that you can fast travel to.


For example you can "Discover" Jorvaskr and fast travel to it.


I know theres a mod that adds map markers to the homes you can buy in Skyrim, but i want more places, not just homes.


So please if anyone can make this mod, please make it!

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Like what the description says, i want a mod that adds a LOT more map markers that you can fast travel to.


For example you can "Discover" Jorvaskr and fast travel to it.


I know theres a mod that adds map markers to the homes you can buy in Skyrim, but i want more places, not just homes.


So please if anyone can make this mod, please make it!


Why stop there? :) Great idea, but... why not have it so you can click and place a marker ANYWHERE, ANYTIME? Sure, maybe there could only be up to... IDK... 64 custom markers (complete with being able to label + assign colors to them)... but that should be good enough!


I mentioned something regarding this in a post here:



...but I also had a TON of other things in there as well, lol

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