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Criticism, praise and hopes for Bethesda's next games after Skyrim


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Seriously, apart from maybe a more compelling story line, I wonder if they can do Assassin's Creed sized cities with the climb on roofs to assassinate someone for DB/run away from guards type of environment. Then the same climbing abilities in mountains, rocks and ledges in the world. LOL. That would be awesome.
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Seriously, apart from maybe a more compelling story line, I wonder if they can do Assassin's Creed sized cities with the climb on roofs to assassinate someone for DB/run away from guards type of environment. Then the same climbing abilities in mountains, rocks and ledges in the world. LOL. That would be awesome.

Sounds nice, but they arent even able to do simple climbing on ladders, cant immagine they would be ever able to do something like that.


To be honest, they should stick to landscape designing and let another developer do the rest for them.

This is what im thiking for a long time too.

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People don't play RPGs to choose their freaking ammo or arrow types; they play RPGs to enjoy a story while gaming for a change and to experience fictional worlds from different perspectives, like a stealth perspective, or a mage one, or a meele one, etc. And changing arrow or ammo types is NOT like changing swords; even in real life ffs, people change the gun they'd like to use and simply buy the ammo for that specific gun; they don't go around and get out of their way to buy custom-made bullets. And if that's the whole point of an RPG for you, then you've missed the whole point and...again...you're living in your own delusional world.

You should really not try to talk about things you don't understand. It makes you look stupid.


1. The poster did not say that is what all RPGs are about, they said that was what DA was about.


2. Guess what? People are going to have different opinions than you on what they want in an RPG, and that sure as hell does not make them delusional. You're just an ass for insulting people that don't conform to your opinions.


3. I personally enjoyed the ability to choose ammo types for different purposes in ME, ME2 and FONV. Go ahead, insult me for having a different opinion. See where it gets you.


4. People customize their guns in real life. Then they buy different ammo types for different purposes. Are you a competition shooter? Maybe a sniper for the police or military. Then you buy match grade ammo and gun parts. Do you need a gun for self defense? If against small fleshy things(like people and dogs), you buy JHP(Jacketed Hollow Point) rounds. There isn't only one type of JHP either, there are various designs and different pressures to buy. Want to just unload a few dozen clips just for the hell of it? You're going to buy the cheapest FMJ rounds on the market. But even then, not all bullets are created equal. Still there's a hell of a lot more things to consider than what I've mentioned here and a whole nother world when you get shotguns involved.


5. Yes, people use customized ammunition. Usually they'll make it themselves. But it is possible to buy it.


I know that Borderlands used a modified Unreal engine; please learn to stop inflating your knowledge, because you obviously know less than me about many things, and I repeatedly shoot down your arguments with proof, and it has been made obvious a few times on this thread.

*bang bang bang bang bang*



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ugh...to much text to read through so I will just comment on one thing and also cut short.


8.5 from 10 would also be the score I would agree on.


You have to discount a lot of hype, which really has no place in a serious rating. After that, there is still a shining jewel of game left but it is not flawless. I also dont count the bugs because I think a open World game is way to prone to them to eliminate them all beforehand.


Skyrim is a game worth the 100+ hours promised but in the end it is "just a game".

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