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Time Travel: 2nd Start


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Hey Guys.

I have to admit that i dont know anything about modding, well at least not when it comes to creating them.

But i had an idea and i would really love to have that option, either for fun or because its just a great idea.


Maybe some of you read japanese or chinese novels and know something about the 2nd-chance-cenario.

It baisicly means that the MC at some point travels through time to correct his past faults to create a better outcome of the story with his knowlege of the future.


What i would like for someone else to create is a mod provides the dragonporn with a potion, or an ability to travel through time to the starting point of the game.

The difference between the potion and a new game is that you dont lost your level.

The start because that is a static savepoint, the cell in LAL and the point directly after the character creation in vanilla.

Either way, when you travel to start you lost all your equipment, all quest and rewards alongside all enemys door, locky ect. gets reset but you maintain your level, your exp and maybe your spended points, but that could also reset for a better way on a new path.

That potion, or the ability, to timetravel should be relativly easy to obtain so that you dont have to play through an awfull game just to get the chance to start new.


At last the keypoints of my request:

- ability to travel to start (cell in LAL or just befor execution in vanilla)

- reset of all quest, enemys, locks, loot ect. for a new start.

- maintaining of level and unlocked perks

- maybe reset of perk points for new spending



I would really love it when yomeone could create this mod because i cant and i really dont have the time to learn modding.

Sinister Lagaruna

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I'm not even sure this is very easy/possible to do, your basically thinking of a NewGame+ type of mod. You would have to reset every single quest in the game. Which in itself would be a large script and you would have to then figure out how to put the player at the beginning of the game without loosing any items or level.
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I'm not even sure this is very easy/possible to do, your basically thinking of a NewGame+ type of mod. You would have to reset every single quest in the game. Which in itself would be a large script and you would have to then figure out how to put the player at the beginning of the game without loosing any items or level.
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What you're basically looking for if I'm not mistaken is an "Export/Import Character" mod that allows you to save the level, stats, perks, inventory, and character generation parts of the player character into a file, then reload a past save (or even start a new game), and then "Import" that character into your save or new game. That doesn't sound like it should be too hard to do. You know, by swim.

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