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NPC turned into asshes!!! How do i resurrect him?


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Sergius Turrianus got killed during the Winterhold incident and as if it wasn't enough i turned him into a zombie (with the vampire ability)!!! Now he is in ashes and i cant complete a quest!? How do i fix this? Tried the resurrect command and it didnt work... any suggestions?


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Unfortunately, the whole turning to ashes thing is designed specifically to prevent resurrection. This is so you can't continually resurrect a massively powerful enemy as a zombie and laugh your way through the entire game; as soon as a resurrection spell expires, the NPC is disintegrated to prevent further ressurection. If you hadn't raised him, the console would have worked.


Your only options are to reload an earlier save, or find out what the heck his ID number is and use the console to add him back into the world. That doesn't guarantee success though, because there's no telling if the replaced NPC will have the required conversation options.

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Sergius Turrianus


RefID= 0001C23F


BaseID= 0001C23E


placeatme <actor/object ID>


Spawns specified actor or object at your position.


Example: player.placeatme 000fea9b. Using this code will instantly summon an instance of an object or NPC at your position. The above example summons a dragon. Not recommended for named NPCs. This code uses the Object (base) ID and not specific reference ID as it is creating a new instance of that object/actor in the world; using it with named NPCs can result in duplicates unless the original was somehow removed. For named NPCs, it's suggested you make use of the following commands: prid RefID & moveto player.

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