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Landscape Bug or Shitty load order? Please help


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Hi all.

Recently I've decided to go through a modded play-through and I came across an instance where the landscape just went "optic-camo" on me or flickered in and out at certain angles.

I've posted screenshots of one instance where I merely have to nudge my mouse a little and the rock/stone just disappears.

Does anyone know if this is a mod related issue?









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Depends on what kind of scrap mods you're referring to.


If its like mods that change the scrap list of scrap-able objects like "more better scrap", then yes.


If its like mods that allow users to scrap normally un-scrap-able, I dont think I have one in my loadorder.


Any ideas about the LOD mods because I'm running the FAR mod from the nexus.


Thanks you the reply dude, hope to hear back from ya soon.

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It looks like an LOD issue to me. Items *by design* have less detail the farther away from them you are to save on graphics processing power. FAR makes them look a little better while still maintaining or even improving performance. So short answer, it's not really a bug.

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Primarily I was referring to mods like Scrap Everything and such. Which you said you don't believe you have.

One thing I failed to ask was, do you see that everywhere, or just random spots?


if you want to, you can try this mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13294/?

It addresses LOD issues, primarily for people when using mods such as I mentioned. Though if you see that issue everywhere, it may not help.

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