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Stormcloaks are suddenly hostile to me


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I just finished the main quest dealing with Alduin. For some reason, the soldiers in the Stormcloak camps are hostile to me, demanding that I leave and attacking if I don't. Before now, I've been able to walk around, sleep, trade with the quartermaster, take things, etc. The imperial soldiers don't have any problem with me in their camps.


I haven't joined either side of the civil war. What the heck is going on?

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Clearly the Stormcloaks are an intollerant bunch of 'oppressed' facists who need a good putting down.


Seriously though, it sounds like something's glitched with the player faction. Their reading you as Imperial (the only thing i can think of which would cause that) even though you haven't picked a side.


Out of curiosity though, how did your peace summit go? Maybe theres a choice there which causes them to get pissed off at you.

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I told the elf to take a hike, gave Markarth to Ulfric and decided he didn't need to pay compensation for some massacre, then I gave Riften and Winterhold to the Empire. Nobody really got favorites.


"Join the Imperials" and "Join the Stormcloak Rebellion" are both still in my Misc quests, so I don't think I've joined the empire by accident. On the other hand, I just attacked an imperial soldier in Winterhold and nobody went hostile until I killed him. I don't know wtf is going on.


I was planning to side with the empire anyway, so not a big deal, but it is pretty weird.

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what choice did ur peace summit go? Did you favour the imperials more?

e.g. instead of trading markarth for riften, you traded markarth for falkreath etc.

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It is not a bug. Until you pick a side, both camps will tell you to get out; once you choose a side you can enter that side's camps. Look at it this way from a RL perspective, unless you are in the military, you cannot just walk onto a military base; they will turn you away or eject you at best, at worst they will jail you or shoot you.
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It is not a bug. Until you pick a side, both camps will tell you to get out; once you choose a side you can enter that side's camps. Look at it this way from a RL perspective, unless you are in the military, you cannot just walk onto a military base; they will turn you away or eject you at best, at worst they will jail you or shoot you.


Not true. I haven't joined a side yet and I can visit both side's camps without a problem.

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