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Load Order Question, Need Experienced Advice


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Hello everyone, i'm a noob (not sure) with a super messy load order and was hoping someone could help me out with it, and maybe i can learn something in the process too!


I do know some things though, currently i use L.O.O.T, TES5Edit, N.M.M, and Wrye bash to make my game

stable. Loot is pretty good but i can't help but get the feeling that it might not do everything exactly the way it should be done. I also use a bash patch and TES5Edit Merge patch or whatever it's called. Here's my load order...



Skyrim.esm---- the game
Update.esm---- the games update
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp--- huge patch for game
Falskaar.esm--- DLC sized mod that adds a new landmass with quests and stuff
Nock2Tip.esm--- an archery overhaul
JSwords.esm--- adds many craftable weapons
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp--- patch for high resolution DLC
SkyUI.esp--- important UI for mods and other stuff
FISS.esp--- a tool requierd to use a certain mod idk...
AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp--- allows you to customize all followers and edit them and even make them
AFT_PriorityBoost.esp---gives A.F.T AI priority over others to ensure it works without breaking things
Long lost smelters by Hyralux.esp--- adds smelters around skyrim
Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp--- adds a ton of enchants in games and items you find
Artifact Disenchanting.esp--- allows you to disenchant anything even unique items and use the enchant
Immersive Weapons.esp--- adds nother huge amount of craftable items in game
JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp--- compatibility patch for jswords(adds alot of weapons)
flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp---player home mod high up near bleak falls barrow
ScopedBows.esp---adds scopes to bows in game
Tame Beast.esp---allows you to make skyrims wildlife tameable and as a follower
Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp--- dawngaurd DLC compatibility patch for a disenchanting mod
Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp--- DLC patch for disenchanting mod
FormsEdit.esp--- forgot had to do something with the disenchanting mod
Nock2Tip.esp--- arhcery overhaul mod
UTHERINSPIREDJUDGEMENT.esp---"legendary armor" mod adds new armor to game
ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp---adds a tweak to gameplay for scoped bows
ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp---adds a tweak to gameplay for scoped bows
JSwords_Load_Screens.esp---compatility patch for load screens i guess from a weapon mod
DeadlyDragons.esp--- alters how dragons work in game-also adds new dragons
LegendaryRings_Eng.esp----translator for the legenary rings mod (also one for russian-never used)
AMatterOfTime.esp---adds a type of clock to the screen so i always know the in game time
Equip more Rings (2)_EN.esp--- allows me to equip more rings up to 2
Unique Uniques.esp--- re-textures a lot of the in game unique items
Dragonslayerarrows - Nock to Tip.esp---compatability patch for nock2tip and dragon slayer bows mods
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Lite.esp---smarter AI for citizens ingame
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp---alters the main quest so you can choose not to kill bad ass dragon
GiftsOfAkatosh.esp---adds awesome dragon born armor to the game
Convenient Horses.esp---makes horses worth it
DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp---dragon bone armor fit for a real dragon born
BootsOfNimbleSpeed.esp---adds craftable elven boots that increase movement speed
Earrings Set1.esp---adds earings to the game that are enchantable
Ars Metallica - Legendary Edition.esp--- crafting overhaul for smithing
QuickStart3_NoHelmet.esp--- allows you to skip the opening to the game strait out of helgen
TrueDragonBorn.esp---adds epic magic effects to dragon born when you stack dragon souls
Slower Leveling - 2x.esp---slows all leveling by 2x
ExtraLevelPerks.esp--- lets me edit how many perks i get per level up
WerewolfPerksExpanded.esp--- changes all the perks for werewolfs
WerewolfMastery.esp--- some werewolf overhaul i dont know not werewolf yet
Brevi_MoonlightTalesEssentials.esp---big werewolf overhaul adds new skins sounds animation and edits
Dual Wield Parrying_LeftHand.esp--- lets you block with a weapon in each hand
Combat Evolved - Core.esp--- huge change to in game combat system
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp--- adds many new spells in the game
ISD_Dragonspear.esp--- adds a cool weapon inside a lock box next to high hrothgar
VioLens.esp---lets to customize kill moves and when they can happen
SkyTweak.esp--- lets you edit pretty much everything in the game safely
FNIS.esp---important tool for new animations in game
DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp--- another archery overhaul works with nock2tip
Open Cities Skyrim.esp---removes loading screens for major cities, you can just walk in
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
---------------------------------------------things to keep in mind-----------------------
*i did not merge any of my plugins in bashed patch because i thought it keeps them from working for some reason i don't know
* this is what the load order looks like after LOOT
*there all clean or at least the ones that should be
*i use skse everything's up to date and got a brand new super beefy desktop computer recently
*I'm level 4 in game and just finished going through bleak falls barrow for dragon stone so it works,
to be honest i don't know if this is a waste of time or not. I worked hard on it and just want to make sure
i can finish a whole run through the modded game for the first time in my life lol.
Any thoughts on what i got would help a lot, in fact telling me i'm fine would be just as helpful. :laugh:





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I would suggest the Ragdolls and Force, and XPMSE if you are going to use NPC editing mods, animations, or Creature editing mods. Ragdolls can go up above somewhere in your load order, but XPMSE I find best at the end of your load order. It should look like:



[animation mods]


[any mod LOOT sorts here]

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In addition what already has been said:

- Generally your load order doesn't look "dangerous" in any way: Mods that add weapons and armour are - provided the mod author knew what he was doing - unproblematic.


- I'm not sure about the werewolf mods. Double check the descriptions of the mods to make sure, they are indeed compatible with each other. Mods like these often offer compatibility patches for commonly used mods, if there is an issue.


- You're right in not trusting LOOT blindly. In general, it does a good job. But it simply can't take every special situation that might occur with your load order into consideration. One thing LOOT IMHO doesn't manage correctly are AFT and followers. From what I've seen so far, AFT should be AFTER "simple" followers (followers that just add a new NPC without further quests and/or scripts). More complex followers like e.g. Inigo should be loaded after AFT though to make sure AFT doesn't break anything. That's one thing LOOT never gets right... In general: Regard the load order LOOT gives you as a basic suggestion. If you feel your load order needs further tweaking, do it.


- As for the bashed patch: If Wrye Bash wants to include certain files in the bashed patch, let it do so. If a plugin is incorporated in the bashed patch, the plugin should be disabled in your load order, but NOT deleted. The plugins' data is necessary for the bashed patch to work. That's why you shouldn't physically merge these plugins either.


- Always remember not to make changes to your load order during a playthrough. Especially don't uninstall anything during a playthrough. If you find a new wepon or armour mod you like, you can normally add it to your load order without issues - but don't remove anything...

Edited by Algabar
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Thanks for the responses guys i appreciate the help! :laugh: so based off what i could get out of your guys advice and correct me if i'm wrong is that, it's probably a good idea if i do let wrye bash work with those plugins as long as i keep them unchecked in the load order right? You guys also told me that i should not make mod changes during a playthrough, sadly i have been a lot and i think this may be the reason i have been getting issues for awhile now... i Probably should make a new game. As far as these werewolf mods go, i do have compatibility patches for them and they do not seem to give me much problems so that's great. I think my greatest challenge is going to be trying to get these follower mods to work. I went ahead and downloaded the ragdolls mod and that XPSME skeleton mod correctly i don't know what to use it for but i suppose it might end up becoming relevant in the future. Again thanks for the help, if anyone else wants to help to feel free, i'm really starting to like modding Skyrim. :happy:

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Some mods are built with the structures of the xpmse in mind and don't list it as a required mod. Also it just seems to work better with animations I've found.


As for your gleanings from what we've said, I think you've got it. Start a new game or use a skyrim script cleaner to get your game back to as close to new condition. Don't move/alter/delete mods from an active game; and yes, don't activate mods that Wyre Bash has deactivated; they are in the Bashed Patch and are activated through that I believe.

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