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More commands for Virtibird Pilot.


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Hello guys!


I've got a modrequest regarding Virtibirds and I think it should be possible thanks to skse.


There already is a mod that adds one command to the Virtibird (it actually just enables a command that was made by bethesda but not implemented for some reason)




Now what I'd love to see is a mod that adds more commands like for example: "Hover (Press G)" and "Circle current location (Press F)" or even "Circle around hostiles (Press H)" and so on...


My ideas for commands are:


Circle around the current location (Circling left because the minigun is on the left side)

Circle around hostiles (same but not circling around a static location but around hostile NPCs/Creatures)

Hover (Virtibird stops moving and just hovers in the air)

(While hovering) Fly higher or lower

Engage hostiles (Pilot engages in Combat against hostiles and uses the front weapons to shoot, when ordered)

Ceace fire (opposite of engage hostiles)

Land and wait (Pilot lands the Virtibird, as they do in vanilla, but they don't fly away. They wait until you get in or send them away)

Quickdrop (Pilot starts landing but doesn't touch the ground. As soon as the lowest point is reached the Player and the Followers jump out of the vertibird and the pilot can fly

away or even give airsupport)

Edited by Carimya
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  • 5 months later...

I've actually been working on something similar to this. I even messaged the author of the mod you linked to see if he could give me some advice. I have a really buggy and garbage version of this I won't be releasing because I don't plan on maintaining the mod because I can't see it getting any better.


I always wanted this mod to be made so I tried it myself and i'm just not happy with my results as I would barely consider myself above a novice.(check my post history) over time I finally gave it a try i just really hate learning new things.


For example the vertibird will stop but it essentially shuts off so you're hovering with no engine on lol it wont start back up to move i've been working on it for as long as i can remember but I don't see me getting any further unfortunately.



I am sure it can be done by a more veteran modder than myself. I don't have the drive like some other people on here to finish what I start.


Sorry its not what you wanted to hear and this isn't grave digging a post as I am adding constructive feedback and pretty much telling anyone that this mod can be made.

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