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More realistic interactions between NPC and followers


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My biggest complaint (as I'm sure a lot of other people share) is hearing the same 3-4 lines of dialogue from NPCs and your followers. My idea would be to have townsfolk (random NPCs) actually change what they say depending on what quests you've completed, how you are dressed, how many followers you have, and how you dress your followers. For example, I have anywhere between 5-7 female followers at any given time. I usually equip them with skimpy or nude armor (boobies showing). Now if someone was to walk into a town with this type of "entourage", you'd get a few "OMGs" or at least some surprised reactions from the local townsfolk.


The scenario would go like this...You would "appear" in town. A guard would casually approach you and say "Hey...you know you can't have your companions walking around like that...this is a family place". You can either pay the guard off or "intimidate" him if your speech is good enough. To prevent from having to deal with every guard in town, it would work like the bounty system...pay off one guard, you're good to go. Once you reach "Thane" of that area, you can get away with it, but still get "noticed" from random NPCs. It would also be cool if the townsfolk would refer to you as "Thane" once you achieved the rank.


As far as interactions with your followers, once you make them a follower, they would lose whatever nonsense dialogue they had as regular NPCs. It get annoying when I approach Annekke to exchange her armor, and she keeps talking about a "gorgeous tree" somewhere around here, or Muiri keeps "thanking her for resolving her...problem". The interactions need to be at least like the ones you have with the Dark Brotherhood Initiates. More commands to followers goes without saying. Attack this or wait there is pretty much useless, especially when I tell them to wait there, and they end up rushing the enemy when a battle emerges. I like to "sneak" attack, so most of the time my followers just get in my line of fire. Giving them military type dialogue would be nice...stand down, attack, flank the enemy from the right or left, sneak attack or create a diversion. It would also be nice if you could have your female followers "flirt" with the local guard while you commit a "sneak" murder or steal something.


The possibilities are endless...like I said just throwing some ideas out there for the ambitious modder.

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Once the CK has been released, you will start seeing custom companions appearing on the nexus, most of which will be far more complex and interactive than their vanilla counterparts (I for one am working on a voiced companion mod at the moment, and the script is already the length of a short novel). There are almost certain to be a number of mods that revamp the entire companionship system, as well. These should make some major improvements to immersion and party dynamics. Unfortunately, it's impossible to provide for every scenario, and at a certain point every gamer has to suspend their disbelief and let their imagination fill in the blanks.
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