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Simple Vampire Mod Request - 1 Feature


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I have a simple mod request: cause damage to player vampire during sunlight hours.


It bugs me that, as a vampire or vampire lord, I can walk around outside while the sun is out and take no damage.


There are two vampire mods that include this feature, but they are overhauls and change a ton of other stuff. I don't want the default vampire system of Skyrim to be changed; I just want sun to whittle down my health while I'm out in the sun, like should actually happen to a vampire.


If anyone can do this, you're my hero.


Otherwise... I'll have to figure it out myself. This is driving me nuts.

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I have a simple mod request: cause damage to player vampire during sunlight hours.


It bugs me that, as a vampire or vampire lord, I can walk around outside while the sun is out and take no damage.


There are two vampire mods that include this feature, but they are overhauls and change a ton of other stuff. I don't want the default vampire system of Skyrim to be changed; I just want sun to whittle down my health while I'm out in the sun, like should actually happen to a vampire.


If anyone can do this, you're my hero.


Otherwise... I'll have to figure it out myself. This is driving me nuts.




Not sure if this helps but the idea that htat's how it "should" hapen is actually fairly recent. up until the early 20th century vampires weren't perticulalry harmed by sunlight. Th ey were often weaker na dmore vulnerable durign the day but not direclty harmed or killed.

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