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A bit of guidance or partnership on the mod I'm trying to make


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Anyone that's noticed my first two threads probably saw this coming...


I'll first lay out the mod I'm aiming to create, and have successfully gotten a very basic framework built for already: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7891/?


My goal is to create a 3-tiered set of mage robes that have an armor rating, use the light armor perk tree, don't become too unbalanced (I personally am terrible at using wards/flesh spells - so I feel a very offensive mage using conjuration/destruction should be able to look like a mage and still get some protection), and require at least a little effort on the player's part to get/create.


I haven't been successful in finding any existing mods that quite fit what I'd like. So, now I'm probably having as much fun trying to learn how to mod as I do playing the game.


I can handle the more database/relationship aspects of the Creation Kit fairly well - that makes sense to how my mind works. However, art/graphics is NOT my strong suit.


I'd like to get my 12 items to look distinctive, mage-like, and like they fit the Nemean lion backstory I'm using to help me sort of feel like this is lore-friendly-ish. Doing so, I've run into the following problems:


  • I can't find the meshes for the base items I used to try to work with
  • Holy crap the whole Blender 2.49b - for import/export, but newer for doing the actual work?, GIMP, Nifskope, BSAopt, Python stuff seems to be a deep pool to dive into for someone wearing water-wings, a life jacket, and desperately holding onto the side...
  • Not 100% certain I've got the right list of tools above to do the work
  • Definitely intimidated by the thought of trying to work with meshes/textures/graphic items in general

I'd love if someone that loves doing the artistic (extraordinarily time consuming and difficult in my opinion) part would want to help me get the look I'm aiming for - I think that maybe equals the lazy path for me though, and understand if that isn't anyone's cup of tea.


Shy of that, I've been using resources like the ones below to try to learn to do this myself, but would be incredibly grateful for a mentor or better tutorial suggestions:








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Im a total noob at modding, barring house creation . just wanted to say I am really looking foreward to this mod being complete- its something I would love in my next playthrough. I might be able to help a little, just shoot me a PM... unless you are satisfied with just the retex

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