UhuruNUru Posted January 29, 2017 Share Posted January 29, 2017 Numbered Folders SystemYou an name the numbered folders, anything after the numbers. I recommend a short path to the Folders location, and if you use an SSD for games, and HDD for Data, the DAIMod files should be on the HDD.Making it much easier to know which mod the DAIMod file actually belongs to, while keeping the DAIMod file names unchanged.This is better than direct file renaming, as some mods have multiple DAIMod files, like "LL Crafting Material".One caveat, you must have leading zeroes, to maintain the chosen LO.This is the sort order DAIMM will produce without the zeroes.Example (guessed, not confirmed as exact order, as far as the ones starting with a 1, but 2 will definately come after all the 1's);1, 10, 100, 2With leading zeroes, you get the desired order:001, 002, 010, 100. General Mod ManagementGames, and Mod Managers. for games I'm currently playing, go on my 512 GB SSD (was very large 3 years ago, but much bigger are now available).I use Symbolic link cloning, by using an exellent utility Link Shell Extension by Hermann Schinagl, to store the active game on multiple drives, while still using them as if on my games SSD, so desktop shortcuts and mod tools still work wherever they are, without changing setups each move.This allows casual play, and modding of all my hundreds of games, instantly, While deleting the links, and moving the games files, to the same place, gives me SSD speeds, when desired, for serious game time.I have 7TB of storage. and I'm now running out of space, with 400 or so installed games, and many more GB of mods, than GB of games. DAI location is two fold, the usable one (Sym Link Clone), remains consistntand the Store Client enforced one (Original), much easier with GOG games, my goto store, their store client (Galaxy), is as bad as all the rest, but I don't have to use the damn thing,I use GOG for their offline installers, more than being DRM free. Both is best, but given a choice between having DRM, or a store client, I'd choose the DRM, and don't even get me started on Multi-player, if a games online, it should have online functionality, in the game, not the store client.D:\Dragon Age Series\3 Dragon Age - Inquisition\Dragon Age Inquisition (Origin)D:\Origin\Games\Dragon Age Inquisition Here's Dragon Age as an example of my games folder systemDragon Age Series0 Dragon Age - CharGen Morph Compiler1 Dragon Age - OriginsDragon Age - Origins - Ultimate Edition (GOG)UtilitiesChange Your Hero Hair and FaceCharGenMorph CompilerDAOTlkEditDirConflictDragon Age - Origins - Character CreatorDragon Age Face ReplacerDuplicate Search ToolSavegame-Profile-Story Viewer2 Dragon Age IIDragon Age Inquisition (Origin)3 Dragon Age - InquisitionDragon Age Inquisition (Origin)UtilitiesCinematic Tools for Dragon Age - InquisitionDAI CLI Save EditorDAI Hair Recolour UtilityDAI Save Chunk EditorDAIMod Config Script Editor Note:I used to use Folder Symbolic links, which work like an invisible shortcut, and that works great with Windows 7, but when I installed a Dual Boot of Windows 10, I found Folder links were not working.Symbolic Link Cloning, copies the folder structure, and links to the files instead, not as good, for adding files, as they now need manual moves, and new links creating, while folder linking, added the files in the right place.Cloning, does work with Windows 10, and 7 though, so allows playing without OS switching, but due to W10's hard coded 4GB limit, for DX9, heavily modded DX9 games, like Skyrim, are best played on W7. Game specific utilities are kept with the games, in a "Utilities" folder, games are organised into series foldersAll my Mod Managers, and most multi-game utilities go in the same folder, with short paths the main point.D:\ManagersFull Contents areBethINIBSAOptChampollionDA2MMDAIToolsSuiteDAModderDAOMMDDSOptENB FXAA SweetFX ManagerENB OrganizerFoMMLOOTMatorSmashME2CMMME3CMMMergePluginsMOEnderalFo3FoNVMorrowindNehrimOblivionSkyrimMO2Mod Organizer Profiles ManagerMod Priority OrganizerMOONMMGamesFallout4StateOfDecayWitcher3X RebirthXCOM2OpenMWWrye BashWrye MashXCOM2 Mod LauncherXCOM-LWMMxEdit Notes:Most games have no mod manager, few mods, and are modded manually.On a 3TB HDD, dedicated to mod, I have many mods, for most gamesFolder | DescriptionMod Archives | Archives for all gaming mods, that are installed using a Mod Manager, go hereDAIMM | Dragon Age Inquisition Mod Manager Mods Inside DAIMM I have 4 foldersDAIMod | The DAIMMM files, where the numbered folders, listed below are placedDocs | Any mods documents go here in Mod Named Folders, asd to many are called just "ReadMe.Txt".EXB | This is the entire set of Vanilla Extracted EBX files, for use with Mod Maker.Pics | Same structure as Docs folder, for similar reasonsInside DAIMod, are the numbered mod folders, the full path:G:\Mod Archives\DAIMM\DAIMod My current DAIMM mod list folders, is used as an example.00 LL Crafting Material02 Misc Crafting Material Recolours03 Makeup Mod04 Eyes of the Inquisitor05 Settrah's Alternate Brow Mod06 Eyebrows 4 Women - Shaved Dark07 Elongated Lashes08 Anjali Complexion10 SK Hair Retexture 4k11 SK Hair Pack12 Side Swept Hair for Elf Female13 Katniss Braid for Elf Female14 Mystical Inspired Hair for Elf Female15 Ponytail Lose Front for Elf Female16 Long Undercut Ponytail for Elf Female - Replaces Long Undercut17 Long Wavy Hair for Elf Female - Replaces The Bob21 Elf Female - Curvy Body24 Staff Head Part Changes25 Trespasser Staff Model Changes30 More Banter31 No Skill Requirements32 No Perk Requirements33 No More Focus Except Mark of the Rift34 More Inquisition Levels35 Search Radius Increased - 10036 Sigils Reworked - No Penalties37 The Tactician's Renewal - Unlimited38 Amulet of Power - Unlimited39 Inquisitor Tree Overhauled - Mage40 Potions - Tonics - Grenades - Oh My41 Abilities Revamped - Warrior - Weapon and Shield42 Abilities Revamped - Rogue - Double Daggers43 Abilities Revamped - Mage44 Abilities Revamped - Missile Barrage - 2x and 5045 Abilities Revamped - Mage - Spirit50 Redcliffe Crafting Supply - Normal Prices51 Redcliffe Supply - DLC - Normal Prices52 Crestwood Village Requisitions Store53 Crossroads Crafting Supply - Everything - Free54 More Loot - Remade - Extreme60 SFX Removed - Aura of Pain and Blessed Blades61 SFX Removed - Exalted Plains Ambience62 SFX Removed - Stealth63 Enhanced Camera - Default Angle - Less Zoom - No Combat64 Descent Crafted Armour Fix72 Outerwear Retexture for Elf Female - - Black73 Libelula Black for Elf Female - Skintone 1074 Lady G's Armour for Elf Female - Black Gold Sapphire - Skintone 1075 Dalish Outerwear76 Formal Wear Replacer Light Keeper80 Trespasser Schematics81 Isabela MP Armours Crafting82 Keeper MP Armors Crafting90 Misc Crafting Material Recolours - Black Nugskin91 Misc Crafting Material Recolours - Dark Gold Dragon Bone92 Misc Crafting Material Recolours - Darker Purple Nevarrite93 Misc Crafting Material Recolours - Royal Purple Dragon Scales94 Misc Crafting Material Recolours - Royal Purple Dragon WebbingNotes:Gaps in the numbers, are used to make renumbering easier, when adding, or moving mods. Rerranging the entire order to add this directly after "LL Crafting Material" would be very annoying. It's also useful to group similar mods, in a section. 02 Misc Crafting Material Recolours, is the potential final position, for all that mods files, but currently an empty folder, because for initial testing, I always position new mods last, and separated.Once it's working as intended, if moving it changes something, it's just the LO that needs adjusting, to get all mods playing nice.I wouldn''t normally put an empty folder in position, that's just to show it, as an example for new mod testing, versus playing.First confirm the mod works, as intended, then get all your other mods working with it, but as with all general rules, their will always be the exceptionsDA2MMDA2MM, is actually, just a renamed DAOMM. The only thing you need to do, is set the paths to point to DA2, instead of DAO.Here's my DA2MM's Ini file, note the name of the files unchanged, and this is a new install of DAOMM, with just the Folder renamed to DA2MM, and not the contents.Keep it separated from the DAOMM used for DAO.DAO-Modmanager.ini [Program path]DAO_exe=D:\Dragon Age Series\2 Dragon Age II\Dragon Age II (Origin)\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exeDAO_Toolset_exe=D:\Dragon Age Series\1 Dragon Age - Origins\Dragon Age - Origins - Ultimate Edition (GOG)\tools\DragonAgeToolset.exeDAO_Config_exe=D:\Dragon Age Series\2 Dragon Age II\Dragon Age II (Origin)\bin_ship\DragonAge2Config.exe[DAO-Modmanager Folder path]Override Packages Folder=G:\Mod Archives\DA2MM\OverrideDAZip Packages Folder=G:\Mod Archives\DA2MM\DAZipTemporary Folder=G:\Mod Archives\DA2MM\Temp[DAO-Modmanager Options]automatic compatibility check=Yes[Dragon Age: Origins]Dragon Age Folder=G:\Users\Uhuru N'Uru\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2Screenshots Folder=G:\Mod Archives\DA2MM\PicsSettings Folder=G:\Users\Uhuru N'Uru\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\SettingsAddIns Folder=G:\Users\Uhuru N'Uru\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age 2\AddIns Note:DA2 has no Toolset, so I leave it pointing to my DAO Toolset, but everything else points to the DA2 Folders I use.Using DA2MM created DAZip, and Override Packages for DA2You can even create *.DAZip, or *.Override mods, as well, which are both simply renamed *.Zip files.BioWare, and mod author created, DAZip's need no alteration, this only applies to packages you create, using DA2MM. If you extract the *.DAZip file, or *.Override file, you must set 7-Zip (or another tool),to repack the file as a standard *.Zip file, but keep the extension named *.DAZip file, or *.Override, or rename it afer repacking.You must use 7-Zip (or another tool), to open the *.DAZip file, or *.Override file, you've created, and change the "Dragon Age" Folders name to "Dragon Age 2".That's all, takes longer to explain, than to do it. Now the mods will install in the correct game, without this step the mods would be installed in DAO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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