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Klaxon Light Pack In


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Shavacagarikia is right you need to make properties. Use the button below the papyrus fragment labelled properties to add them. But because you already have an error you might have to click on the advanced tab and click edit script then remove the properties. They will be below the line ";end fragment code...." then save this and in the CK empty the papyrus field and type a single ";" in it (whitout quotes and click compile. Then Click ok and open the terminal again. This should clean up the errors.


Now make the propterties. Click the properties button and click add property a new window will open in there for type select ObjectReference and for the name Type Klaxon1 Then click OK and Edit value. Select the first claxon object in the render window.

Repeat this for the other properties.


Types are as follows:

Klaxon2: ObjectReference

KlaxonSound: Sound You only need this if you are using the .play() function (first one) this is filled by selecting AMBIntAlarmGeneric2DLPM in the dropdown list

SoundMarker1: ObjectReference

SoundMarker2: ObjectReference

YourDoor: ObjectReferece



After they are all added click ok on the properties window and Ok on the terminal. Then open the terminal again and Add the fragment.

YourDoor.Unlock()   ; you only need to add this if the door is locked at first this ensures the player can open and close it afterwards
YourDoor.SetOpen(true)   ;Opens the door, if you want to close it again replace the true with false


have not tried this yet but will do first thing tomorrow. thanks again guys/gals for all the help thus far! ^.^


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Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4

Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1"...

C:\Users\grimmsin\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1.psc(9,17): type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a fragments:terminals:term_0vaultterminal_0200c4d1 to a objectreference

C:\Users\grimmsin\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1.psc(10,17): type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a fragments:terminals:term_0vaultterminal_0200c4d1 to a objectreference

No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1

couldn't sleep so i started with a fresh terminal and ended up with this =(

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It was my mistake These two lines


Need to be changed to:


I also ran some test myself and it appears you don't even need to Enable the sound markers The script below works for me:

YourDoor.Unlock()   ; you only need to add this if the door is locked at first this ensures the player can open and close it afterwards
YourDoor.SetOpen(true)   ;Opens the door, if you want to close it again replace the true with false
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Can you post the script you get when you click on edit script?


Edit: It was my mistake These two lines


Need to be changed to:


I also ran some test myself and it appears you don't even need to Enable the sound markers The script below works for me:

YourDoor.Unlock()   ; you only need to add this if the door is locked at first this ensures the player can open and close it afterwards
YourDoor.SetOpen(true)   ;Opens the door, if you want to close it again replace the true with false

Ok that did it they are working now ^.^ it wasnt compiling Klaxon2 but then i noticed the "L" was missing


a few small things while in the game i can use the action key on the klaxons and turn them on/off (without sound) nut i was wondering if there was a way to prevent players from doing so. lastly if i wanted to have turrets arm after they open the door would i use a similar script as Klaxon1.Activate(Game.GetPlayer())?

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For blocking the activation you can add a default script to the KlaxonLight objects Called "DefaultBlockActivationOnLoad"
For the turrets You would have to add a property for each turret (Of type Actor) and Add the following line to the Fragment For each one:


To make sure the turret is not active before you activate the door make a simple script and add it to the turrets:

Event OnInit()
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For blocking the activation you can add a default script to the KlaxonLight objects Called "DefaultBlockActivationOnLoad"

For the turrets You would have to add a property for each turret (Of type Actor) and Add the following line to the Fragment For each one:



To make sure the turret is not active before you activate the door make a simple script and add it to the turrets:

Event OnInit()

The Block worked nicely thanks as for the turrets if i want them and the alarm(klaxons) to be disabled from a different terminal how would i go about doing that and what would i have to do to the first terminal?

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Make a new terminal and on the option to disable the turrets you add properties for all the turrets and add the following line for each:


For the Klaxons by default the script attached to them stops them again after 10 seconds you can change this by changing the AutoOffTime property on each klaxon. If you want them to not automatically stop you have to edit the AutoOff property and check its box.
To then stop the klaxons gets a little more complicated. First on the terminal to stop the sound you need to make 2 properties for type you have to enter "GlowingKlaxonLightScript" without quotes and then for the name KlaxonScript1 and 2 then fill the properties by selecting the corresponding klaxon in the render window. Then in your papyrus fragment add the following:

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Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4

Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1"...

C:\Users\grimmsin\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1.psc(13, :cool:: SetUnconscious is not a function or does not exist

No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_0vaultterminal_0200C4D1

im getting this when i try to compile for turning the turrets on from the first terminal (havnt tried anything with the second terminal yet)

Also is there a specific bubble turret i should be using(laser pref)

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