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Starting new Game - Must have Mods/Compilation?


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Conflicts are the way of life... Things are always bound to conflict but 99% of the time it is not a bad thing. For instance Duke Patrick's Archery probably conflists with some change made by OOO, but that just means that Duke Patrick's bow changes will overwrite OOO's bow changes which is exactly what is wanted to happen.


I'm pretty sure that MMM comes with several options, if you read the readme it should mention having a MMM for OOO and renaming the bsa as such. Just read the readme and it will explain.


Also OOO and MMM don't really conflict with any quests because it doesn't really change the landscape or massively alter any named NPCs. Integration: The Stranded Light in particular was made to be used with FCOM, or OOO. You can play it just as well without either overhauls though.


Conflicts you actually have to worry about:

Buggy mods (mods that break things, most of the well known popular recommended mods won't do this.)


Dirty mods (mods that break things in a sly way. For instance most Giskard mods do this (kvacth aftermath, origin of mages guild, the elder council, etc.) Most mods that get recommended won't do this, but sometimes a dirty mod or two slips through.) For instance on my list 'Vector' has a lot of kinks and has been known to cause problems if you try to remove it.


Mods with Reckless changes. (killing off vanilla NPCs, destroying towns, moving NPCs, cutting off dialogue to NPCs, massively changing the landscape of an area NPCs reside.) The last example is often patched and supported with fixes.


Mods that alter the landscape of areas or alter the same area as other mods (often fixed with patches.)


The fact is most of the mods mentioned, and all of the mods you mentioned don't do those things, and if they do they're in the easily patched/fixed category. So really there's no need to worry so much.

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