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realistic needs and diseases crash


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Hello! im fairly new to modding, about two weeks in, and now i have pin pointed why my game will crash after the Bethesda logo. It has been the mod realistic needs and diseases. I very much want to give this mod a try, but i cant seem to figure out how to fix this. I saw that i may most likely be missing a master file. I have legendary edition, and i check off all 3 dlc installs. I do not check the other ones, because i use pure waters 2 and none of the other mods. Can anyone help me out? Thankyou.

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RND will not make your game crash unless there is a system requirement issue, or a mod incompatibility. In order for us to better help you, post your mod load order. If using LOOT, click the 3 dots in the upper right and then select copy load order. paste it here.


Also, what system are you using? Windows 10?

What mod organizer are you using? NMM? MO?

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