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Turn off XP gain for certain skills.


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First of all, let me say that I DO know what XSO tries to do but I don't like it. It shuts off the Speech skill and adds a lot of extra stuff that I don't want.

XSO - Tweaker Customizer Extender Awesomizer http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1992

That said, I'd like a mod that would include 12 esp to turn off the XP gain for one skill each. Skill progression would work normally for that skill, but your level would not advance with it.


This way, I could turn off the skills that I want : Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing and Lockpicking. Other people would chose differently. You could challenge yourself to a lvl 1 playthrough as well, but with skills advancing like normal.


If any modder picks up this challenge, please let me know so that I can track the project.

If you are curious why I would keep Speech normal, its because I play with the Shout Combat and Skill System


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