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Modifiable Trainers / Training


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I know there are already mods to change the number of times per level that you may train. I'm not looking for that.


First, I'd like to prevent skill training from awarding XP so that I would no longer level up by paying cash.

Second, I'd like to see the cap for the training counter set to a multiplier of your current level. I'd probably go with 2 x level. The factor could be changed for the player's choice.

Third, I'd like to prevent the training counter from resetting when going up a level.


I was kind of upset to find myself at level 20 or so before I used a trainer for the first time, only to find out that I had lost the opportunity for 95 skill points. Some of the skills are so hard to grind, training is too valuable to just lose because you are "having fun" while "playing the game".

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