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Alternate ways of raising Difficulty


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I'm trying to find different ways of affecting difficulty beyond just turning the game up to Master and/or using mods that just crank up damage levels higher and higher. I'm curious if anyone has found other, less direct ways of increasing difficulty.


For instance, I'm currently using a Cutthroat Merchants mod to make buying & selling harder. Boy is it ever. So, in order to get decent money for loot I'm spending some Perks in Speech so it doesn't cost 100 gold for 1 Blackbriar Mead. (My current character drinks a LOT of Mead.) This way, by having to spend Perks in Speech instead of directly focusing on my narrow, character build Perks it's indirectly making the game more difficult since Perks have such a profound impact on Skills.


I'm also using a mod that makes all of the more exotic armors & weapons (Ebony, Glass, Elven, Dwarven) unavailable from vendors which forces me to work with the more mundane materials, which also affects difficulty.


Does anyone else have any other methods or mods they use to affect difficulty other than just directly changing damage output?

Edited by CalibanX
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A very simple method is don`t use any enchanting or smithing. Just work with what you can find. It actually makes it quite a bit harder if you dont have any overpowered gear.

There`s also Deadly Dragons (besides increasing health and damage it also adds new types of dragons and new shouts for them) and Deadly Traps and sickly diseases (really have to watch out for those poison arrow traps with that)

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I don't abuse the enchanting or smithing already and I just got the Deadly Traps/Sickly diseases mod which is great. My current Nord is additionaly disadvantaged by only eating meat & alcohol and not using alchemy. I guess most alternate ways of affecting difficulty will revolve around restricting your character to not use certain things in the game.
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