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Increased buff durations


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Yea... basically what the Title says, it would be great if the buffs on some certain spells lasted longer then 2 minutes...


I'm kinda talking about:


-Doomstone buffs (from 2 minutes to 5-30mins), I don't know who thought, in this game, that a lot will be accomplished with 20 more personality for 2 minutes... but (if you're like me who tries to not use the quick-travel) you really can't

-bound items, especially from runestones... The spells for bound items can be used in combat, so it really doesn't matter how long they last, as long as it's long enough.

-anything else that makes sense, maybe some spell/alchemical buffs, but, again, those can be used in combat, unlike doom/rune/heavenstones. (maybe nighteye and sense life could get a buff, the things that you use to either avoid combat, or gain the upper hand in dungeons)


I just find it kind of weird that the stones have such short durations (I'm used to 30min buffs from multiple MMOs :rolleyes:). Unfortunately I'm stupid when it comes to Modding, so I don't know how "easy" or "hard" this would be... though I'm sure it's just a little change in some numbers somewhere.

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