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big texture problem


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:wallbash:hey guys I'm new to this modding stuff so i tried to install a mod and it worked fine an all but when i installed it almost all the ground textures in the game got all F**ked up and i was dumb and dident see http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=21998 before i installed the mode so i dident make a backup of my data folder before i installed the mod and u tryed deleteing the mod but everything is still messed up


Screenshot: http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5167/ob...30448053ra2.jpg

id rather not uninstall the game and loose all my characters but i will if necessary

if someone could tell me whats wrong or how to fix this it would be great!

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Your saved games are stored in your "My documents\my games\Oblivion\Saves"-folder. Go there and copy the "Saves"-folder to a safe location. Then you can re-install the game and place your old "Saves"-folder back to use your characters and saves again. You might have to start a new game first for the folders to appear again, dont remember.


Just make sure you delete the Oblivion-folder after uninstall before you install it again, because any non-vanilla files (Most mods) wont be deleted with the rest of the game.


GL :)

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thanks for the reply i tryed what you said and it worked!

thought after awile the problem came back but im reinstalling it again to see if it went away hopefully it will =)

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Come to think of it, I've actually had this problem myself once, at the exact same place. I dont think I used any mods at that time though. Have you patched the game? Might be a problem with the game itself, because I have a hard time coming up with something that would cause such glitches from a regular mod. I've also experienced a few crash-to-desktop around that area. So if it's still messing when using a fresh install and no mods, it's the game that screws around. Patch it and try some earlier saves.
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