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My time has been pretty scarce recently so I've been focusing on using my JF alt to seed the market in Branch, from Jita. The Branch market is very badly seeded, especially in the area that Wildly Inappropriate owns, so it's perfect for making a good bit of profit.


I currently have 5b worth of modules, ships and implants on the market, at a buy cost of 3b. Not bad, not bad at all ;)


Similarly I am ejoying running complexes when I have the time that are way more entertaining (and rewarding) than running missions.


I don't plan to do any PVP until I go to iLan (the big 2,000 person LAN in the UK), where I'll be meeting up with most of my corpies. This is mainly because the time I can spare is so erratic. I hate only having an hour to do PVP and ending up in the Drone Regions only to find I have to leave, and find myself stuck in hostile territory, 40 jumps away from safety!


My skills are getting pimped out in the mean-time though. I now have HACs V and Recons V, with almost perfect missile skills for what I want to be using them for. My Cerb now tanks 200 DPS (600 Kinetic DPS) which doesn't sound like much, but the sig radius is so small that I can solo most plexes with ease. I can also deal 565 DPS (613 with a rig change) out to 60km, which is pimping! :)

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Once this war is over, can I come mission with you for a bit? I need the standings to do level 3s :P

It would be a pleasure to have you along on missions. I did another last night- and this was more difficult to tank- it was a fine balance between maintaing cap and shields around 33% each -lol. I seriously need to train my support skills. Have about half a day left for Drones V, after which I start on shield related skills.


I hate only having an hour to do PVP and ending up in the Drone Regions only to find I have to leave, and find myself stuck in hostile territory, 40 jumps away from safety!

The thing about Eve is that it creeps up to control your life. It is so demanding on time, and next to impossible to resist. PvP and cooperative play more so than anything I suppose. Need to resist....

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Well, we are now at war with ANOTHER alliance, Scalar Federation, presumably taking advantage of us already being distracted by the first one... but they have 290 members! I think thats the biggest alliance to dec us in a loooooooong time... :blink:


Sadly, this is probably the busiest week of the year for me - all my coursework deadlines are in the next week or so - so I'm pretty much totally unable to take part in it :(


Oh, and just heard, someone has raided the corp hangars, completely cleaning out the Freshman and Student hangars. They will die several times over before the week is out, and no doubt plenty of times more after that :D


All in all though, not a great week for E-UNI... :P

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Eve Uni sounds like a real fun corp. Moles, war, theft, life and death. To think that I spent my first week in Eve trying to sign up with them (on your advice). Lol.


290 PvP exponents are going to be a handful to deal with :wacko: Wish I had a ringside seat to witness the massacre. Good excuse (coursework deadlines) to get out of this mess for a week.


Having played Eve for a year I quite like the way you can wardec corps. I find this to be a relatively (more) honourable way of getting some action. I still do not endorse it totally though.


The update is around the corner. Heard that there were major issues on the test server, and some people feel that the problems are unlikely to be ironed out before the release- and thus multiple patches are expected soon after release. This is just heresay, and I haven't checked the forums or done any testing myself. Some of my corp mates have already tested and fitted thier ships for the wormholes!

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Massacre? HA! We outnumber them 5 to 1, and we can (and regularly do) field fleets of 70-80 people. Even if their entire corp was focused on fighting us (and not their other 2 wars, or defending their 0.0 holdings, which is likely where the bulk of their forces will be), they would still be unable to field a fleet to match ours. :D


And wars are an essential teaching method of euni - although we generally try to avoid them as much as possible, so we dont become completely overwhelmed - they teach new players essential fleet discipline, a lot of people (including me) get their first ever taste of pvp in a uni blob. And as its a relatively controlled environment (having 60-odd corpmates to back you up if things go bad), it makes it easy for more experienced players to teach you all kinds of useful lessons as you go along. And we have an open FC policy - everyone can FC if they want. :)


I quite like the idea of wars as well, although tbh with empire corps they frequently end up simply being a griefing tactic - the majority of our wars, for example, are simply players looking for some cheap kills. 0.0 and lowsec wars are better, however, they have plenty of problems of their own - sovereignty really needs working on.


I havent heard of any issues, but then again, I havent been on the test server in some time either, so I wouldnt have. I understand it was all fine a week or 2 ago, when the wormholes etc were added, but I guess anything could have happened since then :P


And sorry for the wall of text - I got a bit overexcited at finally getting the chance to write something thats not about spatial patterns of population distribution between inner city and suburban environments :P

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Wow, that looks like fun. I can't wait till I can do level IVS :D


In other news, EUNI is going throught some interesting times - when you have someone who has so far paid 4 corps to wardec us, and has made posts on the eve-o forums like this one:


Nice try Kelduum, but it's not going to work.


When Un1cum declared war on the UNI, s1lentbrick (the UNI fleet "general") asked UNI members to petition Un1cum for an offensive name. It wasn't a joke either.


The UNI is a sickening entity, your disgusting leadership goes on powertrips all the time, threatening members with podding if they step out of line just a little.


Station spinning and flying around in huge blobs will be all that you have left from now on.


No more mining - ever.

No more mission running - ever.


Enjoy the game you filthy scum. I will enjoy seeing you rot in Korsiki.


EDIT: forums censored c.u.m. jeez


You know youve got exciting times ahead of you :D


(I should point out that the podding hes referring to only happens to people who go out mining or hauling during wartime... oh the irony) :P

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Does this mean that you guys actually pod your own members??!! Wtf? As long as they are loyal to the corp, why would you want to pod them?


Unbelievable! Reminds me of 1984.

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Shooting down blues that aren't doing what they're meant to be doing / putting the fleet in jeaprody / giving the enemy easy targets / being lame is a common practise in most alliances.
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I suppose this is like the army where they'd court martial you for such offenses. I would think that loss of a ship should be enough of a lesson/reprimand. Podding as well? Too much of a "power trip" for my liking.


Am totally against this sort of thing. Just chuck them out of the corp.


On reflection, I also feel that the people who get podded deserve it to some extent. If they do not like war, and do not want to fight, they should just leave the corp. I realize that things are not always straightforward and the decision to leave a corp is not easy. But still- it is a game and if you do not like how your corp is treating you, you can leave. If they stick with such corps/alliances, they deserve to get podded.


One of the reasons I left my previous corp was that we joined an alliance and got involved in a war that nobody could explain the justification for. It was a tough decision, but I am not going to fight somebody else's war, where there is no right or wrong, and no reasons except raging male hormones.

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