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Less dragons

Lazergunz pew pew

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Seriously there are far too many dragons , dragon encounters are meant to be unique , there almost as common as meeting bandits , maybe its just me but whenever i venture out of a town 2 minutes later a dragon swoops down and it really does get boring , especially when they attack citys and they leave there bones , and the villagers look at the skeleton and say " IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE" well i just killed one 8 minutes earlier and it eat your kids if you dont remember.


Can some LEGEND AMONGST MEN please depopulate the dragon population , the axe clearly isnt working so we need some technical expertise on this one.

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I have most dragon shouts and the only ones i dont have is the elemental fury which i dont use :(. I know its lore supported the dragons but i dont think skyrim was similar to the airspace of heathrow , except with dragons not airplanes , i know there randomly generated but it seems for me every 2 minutes a dragon pops up!! I left markath , went to some mine and had a dragon fight , then i got on my horse and rode for 10 seconds then guess what , ANOTHER DRAGON SHOWED UP i mean commonnnn. Id much prefer seeing a dragon maybe every hour or two of playtime than every 5 minutes , really kills the experience for me and im sure it kills the experience for a fair few other players, dont want to sound like a dick with either of my comments :D.
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I mean, decreasing the respawn rate is possible, and isn't unwelcome, but I haven't had any problems with it. Every dragon shrine as its own individual respawn rate, of course. When you finish the main line quest, the spawn rate decreases I believe, anyway. As well as the fact that the dragon cemeteries no longer spawn dragons either. At least that's what I observed.
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