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Malicious Behavior


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So my first character was one evil person. But he had almost no way to show it, short of randomly committing a murder, or pish poshing with the Dark Brotherhood torture victims. It'd be nice to be able to kidnap people (anybody) that you hate in the game, and torture them. Even Ulfric. (Yes, I have it out for that guy...even though I support the Stormcloaks....)


There just hasn't been a very good definition between good and bad and I'd kinda like one. This would be a great start. :thumbsup:


The purpose? Why does a chaotic evil mofo need a reason to ravage some innocent bystander. :tongue: :ohdear:

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I'm going to chime in with my idea as well. I wouldn't use this personally, but for all you chaotic evils out there, here it is.


Maybe instead of persuading an npc you could torture them for info? As I said, not really my preference, but role playing is good. If you have an evil character, and you can't even make it different from a good one (or the other way around), role playing becomes less important, and that's never a good thing.

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I agree; there is a lack of choice in this department. Just as with the weird yielding system, this could use some work to improve roleplaying and immersion.


How about sneakier things, also? Like for example persuading someone to follow you some distance under some false pretense, and then robbing or assassinating them?


Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but it would be cool if you could start a conversation with a disabled (paralyzed, deep frozen, beaten) foe, and from there have a set of options like intimidation (to make "enemy" npcs like bandits and so on refrain from attacking you further, or something like that), robbery, and so on.


It would make for a very decent alternative to pick-pocketing for more straightforward thieves.

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