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An idea to immersify Carry Weight system.


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It always grinds my gears when your carry weight is 499/500 any you can run like a wind

Then you pick up an arrow and suddenly you can't run. that's not IMMERSIVE!

Normally think, When you carry tons of s*** on your back, those things will happen:

1. You won't able to move fast.

2. You can't restore your strength fast cause you are tired.

3. When are you loaded, your movement won't be agile as you used to.

3. Cause you are tired, your mind won't be able to regen mana as fast as it should be.

4. Again, cause you are tired, your wound won't heal fast.

Basically, when you are tired, it will affect EVERYING.

And that effect will become more obvious when your carry weight stacks up.

So i have this idea, base on the percentage of your current carry weights, you will receive some negative effect.

More item you carry, more effect you will feel, and you can't just use a potion to cure that.

All you can do is dump/sell/share your load.

After some balanced, this could be a game-changing mod like Forst.

Here is a chart I made to roughly description my idea.


Maybe a custom skill tree to counter those negative effect will be great, I do have some idea about this.

Please let me know if there are any modders got interest with this idea, I will be more than happy to discuss with you :smile:.

Edited by hazel63574
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