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Replacement for Power Armor HUD?


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I would like a replacement for Power Armor HUD, that would look more like the normal default HUD than those silly gauges.

Ideally, i would like to use my custom HUD preset for DEF_UI, or at the very least if it would look like the default HUD with the PA armor status added to it.


I find the vanilla Power Armor HUD unimmersive and annoying.

I do appreciate the artistic looks of it, but i can't stand it, because those gauges do not make sense.

- It is supposed to be a HUD, and only insane person would design a HUD like that, having gauges instead of bars or simply numerical values, so i find it very annoyingly unimmersive (think OCD level of annoying).

In fact, the PA HUD should actually look like the default non-PA HUD - now THAT would make sense, THAT would be a sensible and meaningfull way of implementing some kind of helmet HUD.


Saddly, i don't know where to start - it's been way too long since i did any crap in Flash, or whatever Beth is using for their menus.

Of course the first thing i tried was to rename the "HUDMenu.swf" to "PowerArmorHUDMenu.swf", which resulted in an immediate CTD upon entering a power armor - no surprise there, i wasn't expecting it to be that easy.

So, i would prefer if someone, who actually knows what to do, would try to do this.

Or, in the worst possible case, if someone would advise me on what i need (both knowhow and tools).

Edited by 5133p39
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