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Need Help Making Automatron Hats!


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I'm trying to make new hats for Automatrons and I've hit a bit of a snag.


So I tried combining Hancock's hat with the Factory Assaultron Head Armor in Nifskope, like so:




However, this is how it looks in-game:




What the hell? Did I accidentally press the "f*#@ everything up" button or something?


I tried fiddling around with it in Nifskope as best as I could- using the Transform tool to move the hat in place and selecting the proper textures in the file. Did I do something wrong?


Here's a step-by-step of what I did:


1: Opened up the Assaultron Head Armor and Tricorn Hat in separate Nifskope windows


2: Selected "Copy Branch" on the "0NiNode" of the Tricorn hat


3: Pasted Branch on the 0NiNode of the Assaultron Head Armor


4: Right-clicked on the Tricorn Hat in the view window and selected "Transform" to move it into proper place with the X Y Z menus


5: Under the "BSShaderTextureSet" for the Tricorn Hat, I selected the proper texture/normal/specular maps


6: Selected the "BSX" and "CPT" NiNodes under "BSSKIN::Instance" and set their movement and rotations to 0 (the first time I tried this in-game, the hat was hovering about 10 feet above Ada's head, so I figured setting them to 0 would fix it)



So if I screwed up anywhere please tell me and give me a step-by-step on how to do it right- I'm not well-versed with Nifskope so try and explain it like I'm five years old.


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I know very very little about working with armors, but you might have better luck doing this in Outfit Studio instead of Nifskope (though you'll want to sanitize in Nifskope once finished in Outfit Studio). I only use OS for working with clutter not armor, but you can drag/drop the meshes you want into the window to work with them. You may possibly need to unskin the tricorn hat also so that only the automatron head armor has skinning. Two head pieces with skinning might conflict. But take everything I've just said with a huge handful of salt because like I said, I know very little about working with armor. Hopefully one of the armor gurus will drop in here with better advice.

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Well, as damanding says, use OS to move the hat into proper position as from my own experience the transforms aren't saved when you do them in Nifskope.


Secondly, as for the purple texture issue, that would be because you haven't specified a proper .bgsm material file. Although Nifskope will display the textures, Fallout 4 does not use the the entries in the "BSShaderTextureSet" fields. It will only use .bgsm material files.

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