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Removing mod leftovers


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I Installed Tetrachromatic ENB which looks great, but the interior windows are very bright and very yellow (picture below). The mod auther says that it could be due to a mod that changes interior lighting. I used to have ELFX installed but I uninstalled it because it doesn't work well with Tetrachromatic. Or at least I think it isn't installed anymore. I'll try to explain.


I moved the Steam folder to another SSD last week together with all the Nexus mods, but forgot to move the virtual folder. Unfortunately I uninstalled some mods (ELFX, CoT being among them) before moving the virtual folder so NMM didn't remove all files (having the virtual folder on a different drive than the Steam Folder apparently can do that). I then moved the virtual folder and now NMM installs and uninstalls mods just fine, but I had to remove the data files from the "uninstalled" mods manually. I did that to most of the simpler mods, but ELFX has many files so I was afraid to delete the wrong files. So my question is. Even though the ELFX plugin is removed, can the remaining files be the cause of the yellow windows? I don't think that I have other mods that chage interior lighting. I use CLARALUX but that mod changes exterior lighting, doesn't it? I used the "Skyrim Mod Combiner" for a lot of texture mods but I'll have to check if there's anything that could be causing conflict. I hope that anyone has an idea of what could cause the yellow lights.


What is the best way to get rid of the leftovers of ELFX? If I download the mod and check which files there are, can I just find and delete these files in the data folder?


The game works fine as it is, but I would rather remove alle unused files, especially if they in some way interfere with the ENB or other mods.


Thanks in advance! :-)





So I found the culprit. It was a glow texture that was amplified by the ENB. Removing it helped. I would still like to hear your thoughts on the best way to remove the unused ELFX files.

Edited by Xerophthalmia
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