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More Settlement Attack Spawn Locations


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TL;DR: There a mod that increases number of points enemies may potentially spawn from when attacking settlements? (Not -just- attack frequency or strength, nor moved existing spawnpoints. I mean MORE of them.)


I was wondering if anyone knows of a mod that increases the number of spawnpoints for settlements to be attacked from? Some settlements have a ridiculously low number of spawn points, even 1. I, personally, would like to immerse myself in the game by defending not just one all, or.. heck, having just 1 wall.

I know, I know, a completely walled off settlement tends to have spawns inside of it instead of outside... Still...


I wanna be surrounded by the enemies. I found ones that increase the rate of attacks, but not the number of potential locations to be attacked from.


Preferably I'd like a mod that either has adjustable spawnpoint settings, or at least 1 to 2 points per side of the settlement / logical locations one may variously approach the settlement.


That, combined with higher attack frequency and higher attacking numbers of NPCs at once would make it a REALLY interesting game.

Edited by BeleLokai
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