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Changes made in Creation Kit not showing In-Game (Video Demonstration)

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So I 've installed the Creation Kit today hoping to modify the flare effect. However any changes made in the CK dont seem to be showing in-game


I've followed instructions I found on the internet and basicly saved my file as .ESP and ran it ingame wiith no luck

Maybe I 'm just a scrub but I would appreciate any help because I cant really seem to figure it out myself


Here is a demonstration of what I did.

(GIF) http://i.imgur.com/i2wTBup.gifv

(MP4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPnGKISasOc

Edited by FO4SoundModifications
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There is maybe a different Flare in use. Try to check the projectile of the flare.


Was the first thing that came in my mind. I'm at work, can't look it up

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There is maybe a different Flare in use. Try to check the projectile of the flare.


Was the first thing that came in my mind. I'm at work, can't look it up


I thought it was this at first as well but after removing everything related to flares I still get the same problem.

This is the way you would go about doing this normally, right?




Alright I fixed it, it ended up being related to a mod that I manually installed and forgot about.

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