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Sneaking with Companions!


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Not sure about you guys, but Sneaking with Lydia feels the same when sneaking with Aela surprisingly. I equipped her with the ebony mail which muffles any sound she makes. The only problem sneaking with any companion is how they just charges at the enemy even though I'm not fully detected. I really think that this should be 'fixed' though. Especially with companions who are supposed to be stealthy.
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I'm kind of a loner so I haven't bothered with taking any followers with me. I don't like having to worry if someone is keeping up or setting off traps I have avoided. They'd be nice to have on some of the tougher bad guys but I just cant imagine they are worth the headache.


So I am now level 29... and I going to make it without a follower?

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I'm kind of a loner so I haven't bothered with taking any followers with me. I don't like having to worry if someone is keeping up or setting off traps I have avoided. They'd be nice to have on some of the tougher bad guys but I just cant imagine they are worth the headache.


So I am now level 29... and I going to make it without a follower?



I'm level 44 and have only had a 'follower' when a quest line has forced it on me. So to speak, since people like Mercer, Brynjolf and Karliah aren't technically followers. You just have no choice but to take them with you on certain Thieves Guild quests. So it's definitely possible to make it solo.

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To be honest, even Brynjolf and Karliah weren't that great at sneaking and they're supposed to be master thieves! When I had them with me I spent a lot of time doing this :wallbash: as we were attempting sneak around in various places. I like to snipe my way through and as soon as I'd snipe one Falmer, Brynjolf in particular would go charging forward. Just as well I adore his accent or I'd have gotten very cranky with him.



You share my thoughts EXACTLY. Except they also, for me, had a habit of setting off very obvious traps... but I could never stay angry with that accent.


As my main character is an assassin, I refuse to go anywhere near companions, because of the horrible times I've had with them while trying to be stealthy.

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You shouldn't be sneaking with companions.


If you HAVE to, use Aela, she has a 97 sneak skill, Cicero is the only person with a higher one with a 100 skill, but he has a significantly lower health level. Everyone else has at max like a 75 skill.


I have been able to sneak kill a couple people with Aela but once you start attacking they don't stop. Also you have to be level 50 for Aela skill to be at 97.


Haven't read the rest of the thread, but I've - mostly - found this with Illia, too. Overall I've been fairly happy with her, up till the last day or so. Why did she suddenly decide to partake in the skyrim version of UFC? I know there must be some appeal to fighting with ones' fists, but come on. She's a mage. She has blizzard spells, and a hags staff, and a lightning storm staff... why must she beat on them with her tiny delicate fists?

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The whole companion experience is flawed. I have 5 female companions now (mainly for eyecandy sake). I've customized everything about them with the NPC Editor. I boost their confidence to agressive and foolhardy (Lydia's default), so they don't go "running for the hills" when combat ensues. I also max out their skills...I'll raise all their skill levels to 100 that I use (sneak, archery, one armed, light armor, all the magicka skills...). I even equip them with 500+ damage Nightingale bows, give them many spells (fast healing, ebonyflesh, flames, frostbite...even master rated ones). I sneak 99% of the time when in dungeons and approaching an enemy (giant). They usually stay behind me, but once I'm detected they charge ahead (often getting shot in the ass by me). What irritates me the most is, before I gave them destruction spells, the would just fight bare handed (despite the bad ass bow they have), half of the time. Now they at least use flames, frostbite, or sparks...but usually revert to the lowest damage rated destruction spell they have. They never use restoration spells to heal themselves, conjuration spells, or illusion spells. For some reason, they all like using the Sparks spell, so they don't end up doing much damage, but at least they distract the enemy long enough so he doesn't "one hit" kill me. I even wonder if the enchanted gear you give them actually translates to their abilities. Seems like if you give them archery enchanted gear, they would use the bow more. I at least have them "trained" to work for my style of play for the most part. I like playing on Master and have the Custom difficulty mod which makes it 4x harder. If I play on anything less, I "one hit kill" everything except dragons...doesn't seem challenging enough.
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As someone who plays a warrior type, I find that sneaking with a companion is only limited if you really, really need to sneak. In those cases, I just park my companion far enough away that I can sneak until it's not germaine anymore. I then go get my companion and continue on my way. I also do this for hard boss fights, where it is all too easy to kill your follower. The more opponents, the more likely I am to leave my follower out of the action. I guess that makes my followers glorified, talking mules, but I like glorified talking mules. At least they don't bark constantly. As for Lydia, in my opinion, she is far from an ideal follower. Her armor is too weak and she doesn't like an upgrade in type. When you do upgrade, then all the weight of her new armor comes out of her carrying capacity. A weak mule, indeed. You can put rings, necklaces or boots of loading on her, but she will remove them at the first opportunity. Oh to have my hands around the neck of the designer who thought that was a good idea. lol


This is what I do.


I just RP the idea that they are along for the ride to provide logistical support, and to watch my back on the roads and in the dungeons. It actually makes sense - even the most heroic of heroes needs someone to guard them while they sleep in their bedroll.




Jereme: I suspect the reason we've all had so much trouble effecting meaningful changes with the NPC editor is that we are unable to create or modify proper AI packages for our followers of choice without the CK.

Edited by rpger30
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