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Enderal nominated at the SXSW Gaming Awards


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Hi guys :smile:


We (SureAI Team) are greatly honored to be nominated as "Fan Creation of the Year" at the SXSW Gaming Awards.


If you enjoyed Enderal please cast us your vote at the Award's homepage. Just follow the link above and scroll down to the category "Fan Creation of the Year" - Voting is possible without any registration!


Thank you all, guys! :smile:


Till (Dev, QA, Support)


PS: Hopefully this post isn't against the rules or in the wrong sub forum.

PPS: Here is a little Sneak peek into the new soundtrack of the "Forgotten Stories" DLC/Addon. More news about it will follow soon.

Edited by SureAI
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  • 3 weeks later...

If SureAI doesnt win, then the reason could only be Nepotism, Intrigue, or Pandimensional Dæmonick Telepathic Avatars of the Colour Blue from the Zog Galaxy having been recently voted in as our Evil Overlords. Best of otherwise unnecessary luck to you all.

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