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Nonquest item Black Books/Elderscrolls/attunement sphere.


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I wish to request a mod that in short, that makes black books/elderscrolls non quest items. I would like the mod to have the following parameters.



1) The mod should make all Black Books/elderscrolls/attunement spheres/others nonquest unique items, but only after the the quests for which they are needed are complete.

2) As non quest unique items, they should be sellable/droppable in most places. As unique items, if sold, they should not disappear (I think that is how it goes anyways.)

3) The mod should be install-able at any time. The mod should not break any quest lines.

4) After being dropped/sold, it can be be picked up again. Upon being picked up, it should be useable as normal.

5) The mod should be compatible with other mods.

6) If possible, a MCM menu. The MCM menu should allow us to change what items are modified. For example, I might want Black Books to be droppable, but attunement spheres never droppable.

As an alternative, we can have a mod which adds another category into the inventory: The quest item category.



1) There should be another category which includes all quest items. Or at least, the quest items which can never be dropped.

2) The mod should be useable with skyUI.

3) The mod should be compatible with other mods.


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