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File Permissions


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I've been dealing with a weird problem for a while. I can't delete mods properly because my file manager tells me that I need administrator's permissions. But I am signed in with the only account on the PC, which is naturally the admin. When I enter the advanced security settings of file explorer and manually enable full control on my modorganizer file and all files stored within it, it immediately becomes disabled again after I hit the apply new settings button, close the security settings, and then check them again. I don't know how I can resolve this bug.

Some unique things about my situation, I recently had my motherboard replaced. Is it possible an event like this could mess with software and disable my file control? Quick note, it doesn't seem to affect files outside of my skyrim folder though.

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Problems like this usually arise, when you installed your Skyrim in the "Program Files (x86)" folder on the drive, that is also used by Windows. You should never install Skyrim in said folder. Somehow Windows seems to treat it as a "system folder" (though in fact, it isn't) and doesn't want it to be changed. Use a different folder structure - or install Skyrim on a different drive. Changing hardware may indeed also confuse Windows, so that might be another thing.

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