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Weight Change Vendor Crash


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Ok I am still fairly lost on why this is happening. I hope someone can help.


When I change the weight values of food I can often crash general vendors.

I have changed everything so far misc, ingredients, potions, books and with no issue. However when i alter the data for food and open my inventroy with said food in it I crash and if I open a vendor usually a general one with said food on it I ctd.

It makes no sense because I can do the same with potion and misc stuff and it doe snot occur. Only if it is a food item.

Can anyone shed some light on this problem?

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First, you might want to explain what you mean by "crash the vendor". Are you referring to the entire game crashing when you open that merchant or while trying to hover over the cheese item?


I suspect that since you are likely using TESSnip, there is a dependency that is not being written or written correctly. I had something similar happen with something I was experimenting with and I concluded that it just won't be possible until the toolset is released and all the dependent links and data can be written.

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yes I ctd when going into the inventory list for sale. nothing but food does this and it also does it if I have a particular food on my character and then change it in the plugin.


the dependency makes sense however it confuses me to no end that it just occurs with food.

oh well my ocd for re-weighting everything will have to wait for the ck or a more comprehensive skyedit

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