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Helmet of Talos?


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I'm surprised that, given the very Viking inspired look and feel of Skyrim, that a helmet similar to the one worn by Tiber Septim statues wasn't designed as a piece of armour in-game?




The only thing that comes close is the winged helmets worn by Bandit leaders, but that completely covers the face of the wearer so that's no good, I didn't create my character and mold his appearance just so he can be hidden behind metal.


It probably makes sense for it to not literally be 'Talos' Helmet' though...


Anyway since I can't make it myself I thought it was an interesting idea to pose to people.

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Reposting this from a thread I made. I'd love to see someone recreate the helmet worn by Talos as he is depicted in his Skyrim shrines, particularly an ebony variant, but a steel version would also be very appealing.


The base stats for the ebony version would be as follows.

Armor: 45

Weight: 8

Value: 2000


Base stats for steel.

Armor: 40

Weight: 6

Value: 1750



Edited by MasamuneZenith
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