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How to rigidify a helmet


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So, I have a tiny problem with a helmet -not a vanilla one, a new one. He looks really awesome, but I think there is something wrong with the skeleton. The whole helmet is made of steel -logically, it shouldn't extend nor get bent in any way, or only a very little bit, right ? Well that's the matter. Depending on my character's movements, the neckguard of the helmet flexes in some weird way, like, I'd say, rubber. As a result I would like to prevent this unrealistic bug and to "rigidify" that thing. It seems however that I have absolutely no idea about how to do this. I have just downloaded nifskope -but still don't understand a lot about its usage- and I'm usually doing quite well with Milkshape, if it has anything to do with my request. I'd really be grateful if someone could sacrify 1 minute of his time to explain life to such a fool !
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