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A few geck questions


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Im working on a house in geck and I've figured out most stuff but there are a few things I cant find the answer to


- How do you place blood on the floor and furniture, I've seen there's these textures called 'Decalbloodsplatter' and 'Decalbloodplaceable' but when I try to place em in my map there's just a big blue arrow. I tried putting that arrow on the floor and on furniture but ingame it shows nothing.


- How do you reposition dead npc's .. I tried putting 'andalevictim' on a table like it is in that basement of one of the residents (laying down) but when I spawn it it spawns in the normal T-like position (so with his feet on the ground). I openen up the reference menu on that guy in the orginal basement but I can't find anything that indicate how he was put in that laying (dead) position (rotating doesn't work).


- Last question , I saw that there is a securitycamera , a functional one (it moves left and right) is it possible to connect the camera to a computer and watch the live footage? and if so.. does that computer have to be in the same room or can it also be in a different interior?


I understand It's not exactly a quick question so I'd also appreciate it if you just answer one of these questions

Edited by Patton171
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@ Dead body: Make sure the NPC is quest checked and then run Havok Sim (the HK button with a small red circle with doted line coming off it)
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@ Dead body: Make sure the NPC is quest checked and then run Havok Sim (the HK button with a small red circle with doted line coming off it)


Ahh exellent .. and (forgot to ask) how does the dismemberment work? I saw in the andalebasement that there was a red square attached to him called "Genericdismembermentrandommulti'' I know where to find it but not how to attach it to the npc.

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For blood splatters, there are a series of static objects that, I think, are called vault87blood followed by a number. If you go to statics and narrow down the list by typing blood in the search box you should find them. Searches for gore, bodypart, and corpse in various lists can also get usefull results.


There is a working security camera, I think it's an activator or movable static, but getting live footage might need a bit of scripting. I've seen it done in Cube Experimental, so it is possible, not sure how it was done there though, I'd guess there's a script that disables the player controlls, then moves the player's view to the camera's position temporarily, then undoes both of those a few seconds later. I might be able to find the script later on and check it.

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